Ecco come si procede per preparare una bella pagnotta che sarà ottima servita tiepida, ma anche a temperatura ambiente, avvolta nella carta da forno e messa nel cestino del picnic perché ora che finalmente è arrivata la bella stagione ci dobbiamo sbizzarrire. Un bel libro o una rivista, o anche il vostro gomitolo di cotone per un lavoretto all'uncinetto, o anche niente se proprio vi sentite indolenti, una copertina e via, alla ricerca di fazzoletto di verde su cui posarsi per passare qualche ora con gli amici o i vostri compagni, e al momento del pranzo o della merenda ecco che estrarrete il vostro pane farcito, come il mago estrae mazzi di fiori dal cilindro, e come lui riceverete applausi e richieste di bis. Ma passiamo alle cose pratiche e prepariamo questa bontà!Per l'impasto di pane:
- 1 tazza e 1/2 di acqua tiepida
- 1 cucchiaino di lievito di birra in granuli
- 1 cucchiaino di sale marino fino
- 3 tazze di farina Manitoba
- 1 ramo di rosmarino, tritato
- 1 spicchio d'aglio, tritato
- 1 cipolla dorata, affettata sottilmente
- 1 patata di medie dimensioni, tagliata a piccoli cubetti
- 1 zucchino, tagliato a bastoncini
- del tonno all'olio d'oliva
- del formaggio tipo gouda, emmentaler o fontina, grattugiato
- sale
- pepe
- 1 cucchiaio di olio extravergine d'oliva
- 1 cucchiaio di acqua
- semi di sesamo bianchi e neri
I really like bread. If it's good bread I’ll have it on its own, a slice of bread with a drizzle of Tuscan extra virgin olive oil, or even better, when you find some nice ripe and juicy tomatoes rub thick slices of bread with it. It’s always been my favourite snack. I found out only a few years ago that this is the way in which the Spanish prepare their bruschetta. Just think, my tomato rubbed bread was a typical foreign dish!Stuffed bread is the best, bread with fillings all in one, a genial gastronomic marvel. So today I decided to prepare this tasty plated bread. I stuffed it with vegetables and cheese on one half and vegetables and tuna on the other. This double filling is because my husband doesn’t eat fish, except tuna, and even tuna when warm is not among his favourite foods, and so for me the side with the fish filling and for him and one with cheese. Everyone’s happy.
Here is how I prepared this nice loaf that is excellent served warm, but also nice at room temperature, wrapped in waxed paper and put in the picnic basket because now that the summer is finally here we like to indulge and make the best of the warm season. Take a nice book or a glossy magazine, or your cotton ball for your latest crochet project, or even nothing if you're feeling really lazy, a throw and look for the perfect spot in the park. Spend some quality time with friends or your partner, and at lunch time take the stuffed bread out of your picnic basket, like the magician pulls out bouquets of flowers from his top hat, and just like him you’ll get applause and calls for an encore.
But let’s move on to practical things and see how to prepare this bread.For the bread dough:
- 1 ½ cup warm water
- 1 teaspoon dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon fine sea salt
- 3 cups flour Manitoba
- 1 rosemary sprig, finely chopped
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1 golden onion, thinly sliced
- 1 medium-sized potato, cut into small dice
- 1 courgette, cut into small sticks
- small can tuna in olive oil
- Gouda cheese, Emmentaler or Fontina, grated
- salt
- pepper
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tbsp water
- white and black sesame seeds
To make the dough put the warm water in a large bowl, add the yeast and stir with a spatula, then add the flour and salt and stir until all the flour is blended. If the mixture is too dry add a little water. The dough will be sticky. Cover the container and let rise for about 2 hours in the oven with the light on.
Meanwhile, sauté the garlic, rosemary with the onions in pan with the olive oil for a couple of minutes then add courgette and potatoes. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper and cook over medium/high heat, stirring frequently until the vegetables are browned. Add a little water, and turn the heat to lower if your vegetables colour too quickly. The potatoes should be cooked almost completely. After a few minutes remove the lid, all the water has to evaporate, wait until the vegetables are golden, remove from heat and set aside.
When the bread dough has doubled in volume sprinkle it with flour, put it on a floured work surface, make a ball with it stretching all the sides towards the bottom of the ball then flatten it. Put the dough on floured baking paper so that it will be easier to put it in the oven once ready.
With a rolling pin roll out the dough into a rectangle about ½ cm thick. Put your vegetables in the center spreading them well, sprinkle half of the vegetables with the cheese and the other half with the tuna fish. Starting from about 3 cm from the top make horizontal cuts of about 3 cm on both sides of the filling. Fold towards the filling the top and bottom dough flaps then start braiding the strips of dough over the filling. Brush with olive oil mixed with water, sprinkle with sesame seeds and let rise for 30 minutes.
Accendete il forno a 220° e se l'avete scaldate la pietra refrattaria. Infornate il pane con la carta da forno e cuocete per circa 30 minuti o fino a che risulterà dorato e croccante. Sfornate e fate intiepidire su una griglia.
Preheat the oven to 220°C, and if you’ve got it put the baking stone in the oven. Put the bread in the oven with baking paper and bake for about 30 minutes or until golden and crisp all over. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a rack before slicing.