La première mer cet automne.

Da Madhouse @serenamadhouse

Quello del Golfo dei Poeti, Lerici. Un sabato mattina d'ottobre, il cielo grigio, la temperatura tiepida, rilassante. Con Marco e i miei genitori siamo andati semplicemente a passeggiare lungo il mare di questa caratteristica cittadina ligure, densa di ricordi diversi per ognuno di noi. E poi un buon ristorante, nelle viuzze interne, se capitate da queste parti, cercate Il Frantoio, luogo tipico, elegante e tipico, senza ostentazione né sfarzi, si mangia bene e un ottima scelta per chi mangia pesce (per me che non lo mangio ottimi tagliolini al pesto ligure e patate al cartoccio).

One in the Gulf of Poets, Lerici. One Saturday morning in October, the gray sky, the temperature warm, relaxing. With Mark and my parents went simply to stroll along the seaside of this characteristic Ligurian town, full of memories different for each of us. And then a good restaurant, in the internal streets, if you come here, try Il Frantoio, typical place, elegant and traditional, without ostentation or pomp, good food and a good choice for those who eat fish (for me that I do not eat excellent noodles with Ligurian pesto and baked potatoes).

Dans le Golfe des Poètes, Lerici. Un samedi matin, en Octobre, le ciel gris, les températures chaudes, détente. Avec Mark et mes parents est allé tout simplement se promener le long du bord de mer de cette ville ligure caractéristique, plein de souvenirs différents pour chacun de nous. Et puis, un bon restaurant, dans les rues internes, si vous venez ici, essayez Il Frantoio, lieu typique, traditionnel et élégant, sans ostentation ou de faste, de la bonne nourriture et un bon choix pour ceux qui mangent le poisson (pour moi, que je ne ne pas manger, excellentes pâtes au pesto ligure et pommes de terre cuites).

In queste foto indosso abiti che ho da una vita, eccetto la camicia (novità di questa estate la mia passione ritrovata per le camicie..). Il giubbotto di pelle risale al 1973, era della mia mamma, un regalo di nozze (ne ho un'altro, era del mio babbo, stessa epoca, solo più largo e più consumato). Anche le converse sono datate, di quando (come cantano gli Zen Circus in "vecchi senza esperienza") erano ancora considerate scarpe da pezzenti. Sono d'accordo, infatti non comprerei mai un altro paio di converse coi prezzi altissimi della Nike, e sono felice che le mie scarpe siano ancora tutte intere, malgrado piuttosto vissute, ora che (sembra) siano passate di moda..

In these photos I wear clothes that I have a life, except his shirt (news this summer my newfound passion for shirts ..). The leather jacket dates back to 1973, was my mother, a wedding gift (I have another one, it was my father, same period, only wider and consumed). The converse is also dated, when (as they sing the Zen Circus in "old inexperienced") were still considered shoes beggars. I agree, in fact, never buy another pair of converse with the high prices of Nike, and I'm happy that my shoes are all still intact, despite quite experienced now that (it seems) are out of fashion ..

Sur ces photos je porte des vêtements que je dois une vie, à l'exception de sa chemise (nouvelles cet été ma nouvelle passion pour les chemises ..). Les dates de veste en cuir remontent à 1973, était ma mère, un cadeau de mariage (je dois un de l'autre, il était mon père, même période, seulement plus large et consommé). La Scarpe (CONVERSE) est également daté, lorsque (comme ils chantent le Cirque Zen à "vieille inexpérimenté") ont été toujours considéré comme chaussures mendiants. Je suis d'accord, en fait, jamais acheter une autre paire de converse avec les prix élevés de Nike, et je suis heureux que mes chaussures sont tous encore intacts, malgré tout connu maintenant que (il me semble) sont à la mode .

A writer friend of mine that the pen has not seen,

Like a gift, say, the pen has not seen,

His beard was a bit 'long and very curly

And he swore all day stopped smoking.

Then he stops and really made us a little 'sick,

And we eventually wanted a little 'enjoy,

But what to enjoy with these starving?

Drink and pears, and drink again and vomit.

Look, now what is fashionable

He took only slaps to do it in ninety-three.

The tight pants were from fags and not cool,

Converse by beggars, the computers from losers.

Against the province, against his grudge

Of those who took it in the ass and I do not want to tell,

Enough for him to give it back in order to avenge.

A herd of cowards, cowards, who discovered

Maybe you win the Nobel, maybe a blanket.

And at home it's cold, but you pay your bills?

Okay, you're hot down there, God forbid.

Tomorrow we go all to stay in the center of San Marino,

I'll come by train to [...] a scooter,

We base republic of young Italians,

Old with no experience, in high places, the peasants.