La tracklist completa di "Born this way"

Creato il 04 maggio 2011 da Singring

Il disco uscirà il prossimo 23 maggio, nel frattempo eccovi la tracklist completa di "Born this way" di Lady Gaga.

Tracklist di "Born this way" Versione Standard 1:

  1. "Marry the night"
  2. "Born this way"
  3. "Government hooker"
  4. "Judas"
  5. "Americano"
  6. "Hair"
  7. "Scheiße"
  8. "Bloody Mary"
  9. "Bad kids"
  10. "Highway unicorn (Road to love)"
  11. "Heavy metal lover"
  12. "Electric chapel"
  13. "Yoü and I"
  14. "The edge of glory"

Tracklist di "Born this way" Edizione Speciale:

  1. "Marry the night"
  2. "Born this way"
  3. "Government hooker"
  4. "Judas"
  5. "Americano"
  6. "Hair"
  7. "Scheiße"
  8. "Bloody Mary"
  9. "Black Jesus + Amen fashion"
  10. "Bad kids"
  11. "Fashion of his love"
  12. "Highway unicorn (Road to love)"
  13. "Heavy metal lover"
  14. "Electric chapel"
  15. "The queen"
  16. "Yoü and I"
  17. "The edge of glory"

Tracklist del Bonus Disc:

  1. "Born this way" (Country Road Version)
  2. "Judas" (DJ White Shadow Remix)
  3. "Marry the night" (Fernando Garibay Remix)
  4. "Sheiße" (DJ White Shadow Mugler)
  5. "Fashion of his love" (Fernando Garibay Remix)

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