La Verona foto realistica di Nathan Walsh

Creato il 19 aprile 2013 da Dismappa

Posted on apr 19, 2013

 Sito ufficiale Nathan Walsh:

Dipinti come se fossero foto. Le opere di realismo di Nathan Walsh

Chicago, New York, Berlino, Londra, Venezia e Verona, dipinti di paesaggi talmente reali da sembrare fotografie. Opere talmente meticolose ricreate con precisione tant che ogni lavoro viene terminato in 3-4 mesi

  • Chicago con la pioggia

  • Gerusalemme

  • Reichstag Dome, Berlino

  • Queensboro bridge, New York

  • New York Reflections

  • Little Russia

  • Ponte di Brooklyn

  • 5th Avenue, New York

  • Venezia

  • Venezia

  • Verona

  • New York

  • Praga

  • Barcellona

  • Verona

Nathan Walsh’s Oil Paintings of Urban Landscape

By Kaushik

Nathan Walsh creates amazing photorealistic paintings of cityscapes. “I am fascinated by the city”, says Nathan Walsh. “It’s visual complexity and constant state of flux. The act of painting is an attempt fix this information and give vision to our experience of living within it.”

“By using simple mathematical ratios I can begin to describe concrete form within my picture plane. Over a period of time I will draw and redraw buildings, manipulating their height, width or nature in relation to other pictorial elements. By introducing spatial recession to these elements I aim to present a world the viewer can enter into and move around. Some of the more recent works deal with layers of information, whether this be the description of reflective surfaces or the combination of inside and outside spaces.”

Nathan Walsh was born in Lincoln in 1972. He studied at the Liverpool School of Art before completing his Masters Degree at the University of Hull. He has exhibited at the Royal Academy, Lambeth Palace and Eton College. Recently he has had hugely successful shows in London, California and Zurich. His work can be found in public and private collections worldwide.

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