Peter Taricone, actor became famous after his participation in the first edition of “Big Brother”, is in serious condition with a fall after a parachute jump. Taricone was launched near Terni. The actor, in a desperate condition, was hospitalized in Terni, where he reached his wife Kasia Smutniak.Secondo the first news may have been a sudden gust of wind or a wrong maneuver that caused the tightening of the parachute and fall of the actor. And ‘what might have happened, according to a preliminary reconstruction of the accident, the actor who was launched at the track dell’Aviosuperficie Terni. Some witnesses saw the plaintiff fall regularly. Then the maneuver, according to some of those who have witnessed what happened, caused the fall. Police investigations are still ongoing, and to clarify the causes of what happened will probably be a technical survey. Taricone, as we learned from health sources, reported numerous injuries in different body parts and internal bleeding. When it came to the emergency room was not conscious. In the hospital is now his wife, the mayor of Terni Leopoldo Di Girolamo and President dell’aviosuperficie Taricone where today it is launched. The actor is currently undergoing intervention chirurgico.Il December 16 last Taricone wife, Kasia Smutniak, was involved in a similar incident when, during a launch, his parachute did not open and she was saved only through the reserve.
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