TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMESSir,-On behalf of the Newman Association, composed of some 1,500 Catholic professors and other Catholic graduates of the British universities, we wish to register a strong protest against the action of the Hungarian Government in arresting the Cardinal Primate of Hungary. During the last three years we have see many examples of the ever-extending violation of freedom in countries under Soviet domination or Soviet influence. The arrest of the Cardinal Primate is the climax of a whole series of such incidents in Hungary and elsewhere, but from our experience of the present and the past we look forward with a very real apprehension. No one can claim any longer to be safe. The time has now arrived when it must be made clear, without diplomatic equivocation, that the conscience of the civilized world is shoched by the denial of religious liberty in Hungary and other areas of eastern and central Europe.The arrest of the Cardinal Primate is almost without precedent in the last 1,000 years. It must be made clear beyond dispute to the Hungarian Government that by their action they have forfeited the respect of thinking men and women of all the western nations, and that they have made a mockery of all movements by the United Nations and other agencies for the promotion of peace based on justice and freedom. We regard it as the duty of the British Government to make emphatically clear to all concerned how deeply the people of Britain have been shocked by the action of the Hungarian Government.We have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servants,Alexander Moncrieff, Honorary President; Leslie Aitchison, A. J. Allmand, Thomas Bodkin, A. Leyland Robinson, Edgar Prestage, G. Temple, J. R. R. Tolkien, Edmund Whittaker, F. de Zulueta, Honorary Vice-Presidents, Newman Association. 31, Portman Square, W.1.In «The Times», venerdì 28 gennaio 1949, p. 5.
Le memorie del cardinale Mindszenty e l'appello a suo favore firmato anche da Tolkien
Da Tolkieniano @TolkienianoTO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMESSir,-On behalf of the Newman Association, composed of some 1,500 Catholic professors and other Catholic graduates of the British universities, we wish to register a strong protest against the action of the Hungarian Government in arresting the Cardinal Primate of Hungary. During the last three years we have see many examples of the ever-extending violation of freedom in countries under Soviet domination or Soviet influence. The arrest of the Cardinal Primate is the climax of a whole series of such incidents in Hungary and elsewhere, but from our experience of the present and the past we look forward with a very real apprehension. No one can claim any longer to be safe. The time has now arrived when it must be made clear, without diplomatic equivocation, that the conscience of the civilized world is shoched by the denial of religious liberty in Hungary and other areas of eastern and central Europe.The arrest of the Cardinal Primate is almost without precedent in the last 1,000 years. It must be made clear beyond dispute to the Hungarian Government that by their action they have forfeited the respect of thinking men and women of all the western nations, and that they have made a mockery of all movements by the United Nations and other agencies for the promotion of peace based on justice and freedom. We regard it as the duty of the British Government to make emphatically clear to all concerned how deeply the people of Britain have been shocked by the action of the Hungarian Government.We have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servants,Alexander Moncrieff, Honorary President; Leslie Aitchison, A. J. Allmand, Thomas Bodkin, A. Leyland Robinson, Edgar Prestage, G. Temple, J. R. R. Tolkien, Edmund Whittaker, F. de Zulueta, Honorary Vice-Presidents, Newman Association. 31, Portman Square, W.1.In «The Times», venerdì 28 gennaio 1949, p. 5.