Leonard Cohen – Old Ideas

Creato il 28 gennaio 2012 da Iannozzigiuseppe @iannozzi

Leonard Cohen – Old Ideas

Old Ideas will be Cohen’s twelfth studio album with Columbia Records since 1967.

Old Ideas is available for preorder now at www.leonardcohen.com where one of the new songs, “Darkness” is also streaming.


1. Going Home 3:10
2. Amen 7:39
3. Show Me The Place 4:08
4. Darkness 4:30
5. Anyhow 3:09
6. Crazy to Love You 3:08
7. Come Healing 2:53
8. Banjo 3:26
9. Lullaby 4:48
10. Different Sides 4:10

Watch the lyric video of Show Me the Place

Listen to the song Darkness

Listen to the song Banjo

Leonard Cohen files

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