Gli argomenti trattati in questo libro di Bethany Hiitola sono:
- Cap. 1: Inkscape 101: The Basics
- Cap. 2: Designing Site Layouts
- Cap. 3: Working with Images
- Cap. 4: Styling Text
- Cap. 5: Creating Wallpapers and Pattern Backgrounds
- Cap. 6: Building Icons, Buttons, and Logos
- Cap. 7: Making Diagrams, Site Maps, and More
- Cap. 8: Designing for Blogs and Storefronts
- Cap. 9: Using the XML Editor
- Cap. 10: Creating Simple Animations
- Cap. 11: Plugins, Scripts, and Templates
- App. A: Keyboard Shortcuts
- App. B: Glossary of Terms
- App. C: Fonts
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