ENGLISH:Autumn is at the doors surrounding us with its colours and taste. We suggest you to try a very easy and unusual recipe with dried figs, that will bring fantasy and warm associated to this beautiful season. this cake with dried figs is a batter made just with very few ingredients: honey, dried figs, almonds and walnuts. Quick and easy to bake but above all absolutely delicious! Watch the video with Luciana Masi owner of Casa Masi restaurant in Montaione#vacanze-holidays-montaione#
Montaione a Tavola: Torta con i fichi secchi / Cake with dried figs
Creato il 27 settembre 2013 da Montaione @TMontaioneENGLISH:Autumn is at the doors surrounding us with its colours and taste. We suggest you to try a very easy and unusual recipe with dried figs, that will bring fantasy and warm associated to this beautiful season. this cake with dried figs is a batter made just with very few ingredients: honey, dried figs, almonds and walnuts. Quick and easy to bake but above all absolutely delicious! Watch the video with Luciana Masi owner of Casa Masi restaurant in Montaione#vacanze-holidays-montaione#
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