The second appointment with the regional project “Toscananincontemporanea2013”, focusing on sculptors under 35 formed in the great Italian tradition of the Accademie delle Belle Arti, is dedicated to Alexandros Yiorkdjis (born in 1981). He is an up and coming Cypriot sculptor who studied at the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna with Davide Rivalta – proof of the levels of excellence Italy and its Accademie are working at, and the calibre of students from all over the world they manage to attract.
Alexandros Yiorkdajis – winner of the 2007-2008 National Arts Prize for the sculpture section – is thought by many experts to be one of the most interesting young sculptors at work today. He is a sculptor whose works have a strong impact : his reflections on the “no global” philosophy are set in a harmonious vision of the world and a respectful attitude to Nature which is almost Pantheistic.
He is a powerful sculptor and creator of images in which he manages to capture the movement of Man and the expression of his moods and feelings.
This young artist has already taken part in collective exhibitions in France, Italy and Greece. He has also had important personal shows in Munich and Nicosia.
As usual the visiting works will be on show in the permanent rooms of “Il Cassero” to create an unexpected and unique contrast with the permanent works.
MONTEVARCHI (AR): Alexandros Yiorkadjis. L’armonia e il contrasto | Toscanaincontemporanea2013
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