cold cuts ( Motzetta and lardo on the top left)
Speck, tomino ma soprattutto la motzetta e il lardo.
Il salume bianco è il lardo: ovviamente grasso, ma dal sapore delicatissimo e si scioglie in bocca. Viene usato anche per dar sapore a certe ricette ma qui spesso viene mangiato da solo o con castagne e miele: un abbinamento eccezionale. La motzetta la chiamano anche carne salata ed è effettivamente più saporita della bresaola. Pensate che è da 10 secoli che è presente nei castelli della Valle d'Aosta. Quindi? Assaggiateli, sono buonissimi
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Spianata calabra
coppa piacentina
gnocco fritto
Yesterday I was eating in a restaurant in a little village at high mountain, where there are not any cars and where live by and large 12 people. This small village with a breathtaking views is suspended between reality and fantasy. It has only one hotel and one restaurant, definitely very good. I'm not going to talk about the village called Cheneil in Valle d'Aosta, but about what I have eaten. Above all about my appetizer. As main dish we have asked for carbonada and polenta, while as appetiser traditional cold cut of Valle d'Aosta. Here is a photo of my antipasto. Bacon, Tomino but especially the motzetta and lardo. The white cold cut is called lardo: fat food, but delicate taste . It is also used to give in some recipes, but here is often eaten alone or with chestnuts and honey, a great combination. The motzetta is also called salty meat and and is actually more tasty than the bresaola. It has been from ten centuries in the castles of Valle D'Aosta. At last I suggest you to taste them!