N8 H2O Mods Pack

Creato il 22 dicembre 2010 da Bald

Mods Pack per N8 senza flashare !!!


Grazie a Faenil che ci regala (siamo vicino a Natale) questo pacchetto di mods per l’N8 senza bisogno di flashare e con la possibilità di scegliere cosa installare.

Quindi avremo il nostro bel file sis senza la paura del flash.

Se si ottiene “errore di aggiornamento” vuol dire che state usando già altre mods che usano gli stessi file e dovete quindi disinstallarle prima di installare questo pack.

  • Dialer landscape mod and SYSAP portrait(2000B195.txt)
ADDED: 0x20009B72 int 327680 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData (DIALER) 0x100058f3 int 65536 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData (SYSAP, to lock startup and shutdown animations to portrait, to keep their size and aspect)
  • Gallery Folders mod (10282AC.txt and 200009FE.txt)
ADDED excluded folders to 0×2 in 10282AC.txt and to 0x1XXXX in 200009FE.txt
  • ContinuousAF mod (2001B29B.txt)
Set 0x1E to 1
  • Context data object maximum size (2000B195.txt)
Set 0×1 to 4096
  • MusicPlayer Folders mod (101FFCD2.txt)
Set 0×1 to the folders where you want the musicplayer to look!
  • MusicPlayer Heap 30Mb (101FFC03.txt)
Set 0×6 to 30
  • Startup/Shutdown animations and sounds mod (101F8763.txt)
Set 0×3 to the startup animation file Set 0xD to the startup sound Set 0×12 to the shutdown animation file Set 0×14 to the shutdown sound
  • Browser’s cache mod (101F8557.txt)
Changed drive in 0×3, 0×4, 0×8 to “D:\..” Set 0×2, 0×5, 0×9 to 0, to have INFINITE cache
  • Voice Recorder 5Hours at 256kbps! (101F87A3.txt)
Set 0×6 to 2 to have default High Quality profile set Set 0×7 and 0×14 to 300, to have 300Minutes (5Hours) of max recording time Set 0×11 to 288000 to have 256kbps recording (you can also set it to 256000, it’s the same)
  • UiSpeed Mod (10283344.txt)
Set 0×0 to 72, which are the max fps (default was 67, so I think 72 does not change anything, it was just to try ) Set 0×1 to 90, which is the max % of the cpu time that the UI Server can use (default was 75) Set 0×4 to 3, which is the Graphic FX quality (kastors quality) default was 8 (maybe), I lowered this because I think 8 is not needed, and to improve speed DOWNLOAD: FAENIL’S H2O MODPACK Ancora un ringraziamento a Faenil

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