Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus : lista trofei

Creato il 24 febbraio 2012 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
Misteriosa (a dir poco) la lista dei trofei per il gioco, una rimasterizzazione ad hoc per PS Vita di un ottimo action game uscito originariamente su PS3.
Sono ben 32 i trofei nascosti infatti, e quelli visibili sono tutti di bronzo. Lista relativamente breve dunque, visionabile dopo il break :

Dragon Sword MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Dragon Sword
Vigoorian Flail MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Vigoorian Flail
Dabilahro MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Dabilahro
War Hammer MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the War Hammer (Hayabusa)
Kitetsu MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Kitetsu
Dual Kitana MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Dual Kitana
Lunar Staff MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Lunar Staff
Wooden Sword/Unlabored Flawlessness MasterDefeat 1000 enemies with the Wooden Sword/Unlabored Flawlessness
Projectile WeaponsDefeat 100 enemies with projectile weapons
Feat of Ultimate DestructionUse the strongest Ultimate Technique on 100 enemies
Izuna Drop MasterUse the Izuna Dro on 100 enemies
Guillotine Throw MasterUse the Guillotine Throw on 100 enemies
Fire Wheels MasterUse Fire Wheels successfully 100 times
Inferno MasterUse Inferno successfully 100 times
Ice Storm MasterUse Ice Storm successfully 100 times
Inazuma MasterUse Inazuma successfully 100 times
Cleared The Way of the NinjaCompleted Chapter 1
Cleared 2 TrialsClear all Ninja Tutorials and Path to the Ultimate Ninja.

True Ultimate NinjaCollect all trophies

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