Nite Jewel - One Second Of Love -Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 15 marzo 2012 da Lesto82

La cantautrice californiana Ramona Gonzalez si ripropone con il secondo album "One Second Of Love".Il suo genere è l'electro-pop e si fa chiamare Nite Jewel.Guardiamo il video della title-track che devo dire non mi dispiace ma neanche entusiasma per l'eccessiva linearità del progetto.



they talk all the time but nothing gets done
the work begins with the setting of the sun
they advise me how to play, how to look that way
see life goes on and on and on and on, on, on

behind the eyes where the beauty is posed
and above the skin where the beauty gets old
all advise me how to play, how to look that way
see life goes on and on and on and on, on, on
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
you talk all the time without our love
time is moving times get rough
you advise me how to play, when i'm with you
my favorite letter, you oh
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love
oh, who was one second of love?
one second of love, one second of love.


Voto 6/10


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