Noir & Haze - Around - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 03 settembre 2012 da Lesto82

Il dj danese René Kristensen(in arte Noir) prova a centrare la hit con "Around",un pezzo electro-house che potrebbe aver trovato la spinta giusta per uscire dai club grazie al falsetto di Haze.Io onestamente spero in un buttafuori che faccia il lavoro opposto a quello per cui è pagato.



Have you ever felt like you’ve been hurt before?
By the ones that said they only loved you more?
Inflicted pain and scars of sorrow,
like an empty shell I wait for tomorrow…
I sit here wondering why you walked away
Did I ever do you wrong in any way?
Was it something I said to you that made you change?
There is no more sun… there is only cloudy days. Yeah
What goes around will come around and come back and get yah…
Have you ever felt like you’ve been hurt before?
By the ones that said they only loved you more?
Inflicted pain and scars of sorrow,
like an empty shell I wait for tomorrow…
I sit here wondering why you walked away
Did I ever do you wrong in any way?
Was it something I said to you that made you change?
There is no more sun… there is only cloudy days. Yeah
What goes around will come around and come back and get yah…


Voto 5/10


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