Not so bad as a first day in London after 18 days of Sardinia.
Coming back home after holidays can be traumatic. Imagine when you come back to London after 18 days of pre and post wedding holidays (with the wedding time included of course).
When we landed at Gatwick we found a grey cloudy sky with a light breeze, weak rain and 20C temperature. Quite bad if you think it was super sunny and super hot in Sardinia.
Nevertheless, my first day in London and at work hasn't been so bad in the morning, today. My colleague Holly and the rest of the office welcomed me with warm hugs and congratulations, so I spent the lunch time telling them about our epic wedding and the time spent on the beach... my tan can witness it!
Eventually, the sun popped out and the sky turned the way you can see in the pic.
I really can't complain. No matter what, I love London.