Ebbeni sì, il 2012 ha portato delle novità in casa Aury’s Passions! Se siete stati ben attenti, forse avete già notato qualcosa di nuovo sul blog… ma se siete tra quelli che arrivano qui attirati dai nuovi post e si fiondano a leggerli senza darsi un’occhiata in giro (non che ci sia niente di male in tutto ciò, ovviamente
Signore e Signori, sono felice di annunciare che ho accettato le proposte di collaborazione con due blog di viaggio eccezionali e che quindi d’ora in poi potrete seguirmi e leggere delle mie avventure di viaggio anche su altri siti. Mi troverete una volta al mese su Non solo Turisti (nonché sulla sua versione in inglese Thinking Nomads
Per darvi il quadro completo, ho pensato di aggiungere sul blog una sezione dedicata alle mie collaborazioni esterne: sarete così sempre aggiornati sui guest posts che scrivo per altri blog e potrete facilmente ritrovarli con un click.
Avanti, dunque e che sia un anno di tanti bei viaggi!
Yes guys, that’s it! 2012 has brought great news at Aury’s Passions! If you paid due attention, you maybe have already noticed something different on the blog… but if you’re among those who get here attracted by the latest entries and jump directly on them without looking around (not that there is anything bad in this, of course
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am glad to announce that I’ve accepted the proposals for collaboration that were offered me by two remarkable travel blogs. So hereafter you could follow me and keep on reading about my travel adventures also on different websites. You’ll find me once a month on Non solo Turisti (as well as on its English version Thinking Nomads
Marco and I started examining the details of my collaboration to Non solo Turisti at the very beginning of the year: I already knew his blog, but no direct contact ever occurred between us. And yet in such a short time I got the impression we’ve known each other for longer… Marco has been so kind as to including Un viaggio da fare con gli occhi (my book, in Italian) on his “Book of the month” column and today I published my first contribution devoted to Scotland, any doubt? Get and read it and tell me what you think about!
As to Luca, we defined how I will cooperate to Viaggiato in these last few days instead. Luca and I have already had contacts before, as if you can recall I wrote a guest post on the Isle of Skye for his blog and he was a guest writer at Aury’s Passions with a short guide to Edinburgh on my collection “Scotland, my love”. I am already at work on my first contribution to Viaggiato, so stay tuned and you could soon read it. For the time being, you can try and guess what place I will speak about… hint: it’s a foreign country
To complete the picture I added a section to the blog resuming my external collaborations: this way you’ll stay always updated about the guest posts I’ll be writing for other blogs and could easily pick them up.
Let’s go, then! And let this be a year rich with travels!