Outdoor Design under 35

Creato il 10 maggio 2010 da Greeninemotion
The competition-workshop of SUN dedicated to young design talents (under 35) from all over the world presented an amazing set of novelties, a great showcase of products non-products, of working prototypes, tested and created with the same materials and technologies provided for by the respective projects. A creativity that young people enforced on companies.orto trasportabile BY zerotreunounoThe theme for this edition was the home garden, meant as a space to relax, focus on one’s well-being, organize sharing opportunities, cultivate hobbies. [...] The home garden is a theme intended to stimulate original design, brand new experiments on forms and materials to create products closely tied to the relation with nature and to the quality of the time spent in contact with it, both outdoor and indoor, according to the most recent trend towards the merger between the inside and the outside.
ORDINE by Francesca Boer

GRASSHOPPER by Emanuele MaginiTRA-VASO- Bianca Scarfati-Paolo Ricciovia http://www.e-interiors.net/staticpages/materiali/sunlab/Sunlab_ENG.html

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