Hi friend,
STICK MY WORLD would like to invite you to join us this year in PAREDE 2010 - International Poster Art Festival of Rio de Janeiro.For more info You can chek that out at: http://www.parede.art.br/eng/index.htmlDEAD LINE to submit works: MAY 30thSUBSCRIPTION FORM:http://www.parede.art.br/eng/subscripitions.htmlADRESS to send works by mail: Parede - Festival Internacional de Poster Arte do Rio de JaneiroPraça Eugenio Jardim, 34 # 801 - Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - Brasil - CEP.: 22.061-040FORMAT: up to 2mx2m CONTACT: info@parede.art.br