In una di queste ho tovato dei vecchi accendini, dalle forme più strane... Chissà... magari ne farò un quadro, un modo come un altro per rendere immortali questi ricordi.
A proposito da Marzo ripartiranno i corsi di Shabby. Vi aspetto numerosissime come l'anno scorso per creare insieme tanti piccoli capolavori!
A presto ragazze
A couple of days ill may have their own advantages.
A good hot tea and a Woody Allen movie,good music and a fun book eating chocolate.
And I found a few moments to open old boxes of my Dad .
In one of them I found some old lighters, with strange shapes.
Who knows ... maybe I'll make a paint, a way as aonother to make immortal these memories.
From March I'll begin again with Shabby Courses.
I'll be waiting for you to create togheter many small masterpieces!
See you soon girls