Purity Ring - Fineshrine - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 06 agosto 2012 da Lesto82

Un duo dream-pop di cui sentiremo parlare,sono i canadesi Purity Ring.E' appena uscito l'album d'esordio "Shrines"(n.32 negli States).La voce cristallina(seppur filtrata) della 24enne Megan James risplende sulle note create dal 21enne Corin Roddick.Melodie forse troppo lineari e ruffiane,eppure è difficile sfuggire al loro fascino specie per quel che riguarda il singolo attuale "Fineshrine".



Get a little closer, let fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
Through arms, or maybe under, under you
I'll put the South pockets gladly
Over the rocky cliffs that you leap
To peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of thunder over me
That I might see with my chest and sink
into the edges round you
Into the lakes and quarries that brink
on all the edges round you, round you
Get a little closer, let fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
The London baby crowns over you
Get a little closer let fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
Through arms, or maybe under, under you
I'll put the South pockets gladly
Over the rocky cliffs that you leap
To peer over and not forget what feet are
Splitting threads of thunder over me
Listen closely, closely to the floor
Emitting all its graces through the pores
You'd make a fine shrine in me
You'd build a fine shrine to me
That I might see with my chest and sink
Into the edges round you
Into the lakes and quarries that brink
On all the edges round you, round you
Get a little closer, let fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
The London baby crowns over you
Get a little closer, let fold
Cut open my sternum and pull
My little ribs around you
Through arms, or maybe under, under you


Voto 7/10


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