Random photographs from... NYC - the skyscrapers series

Creato il 26 gennaio 2012 da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio
location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009-Can you see "Rent" promotion? My best friend gave me tickets to see it! It was amazing!! I'll tell you all!-
NYC. La città in cui tornerei domani. E non vuole essere banalità che rasenta il cliché: New York è davvero una città speciale. E' un città che può essere solo vissuta dal didentro - che è il modo che io prediligo, per vivere i miei viaggi. E' tutto gigantesco, tutto grande, tutto ampio, tutto alto. Ci si sente piccoli e insieme ci si sente fortissimi, al centro del mondo. Forme nuove e antiche si mescolano, in perfetta armonia. Non esistono etichette e pregiudizi, il meltin' pot è la regola, la ricetta prevede qualsiasi ingrediente ti venga in mente - e anche quelli a cui non penseresti. 
Sono piena di foto di NY, ora vi lascio solo quelle dedicate a uno dei suoi simboli: i grattacieli che ne dipingono lo skyline. 
Spero vi facciano sognare un po'. Le foto sono di nuovo di mio papà. Cliccate su read more.
New York City. The city in which I'd go back tomorrow. And this is not a triviality or a cliché: New York is really a special city. It's a city that can only be experienced from the inside - and that is how I want to live my travels. Everything's all huge, everything's big, everything's large, everything's high. You feel small and together you feel very strong and you think you're in the center of the world. Old forms and new ones, blend in a perfect harmony. There are no labels and prejudices, the melting'pot is the rule, the recipe calls for any ingredient you can think - and even those who would not think.
I'm full of pictures of New York, at the moment I'll just post those're dedicated to one of its symbols: the skyscrapers that depict its skyline.
I hope you'll dream a little bit. 'The photos are by my dad again. Click on read more.

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009-Time Square-

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009-perfect joints-

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009
Bubba - 

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- the view from Empire State Building in the early morning (jet lag could help you to miss the queue ;) )-

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- The Flatiron Building - 

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- the old and the new-

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- the authentic Big Apple -

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- I'm sure: MoMA is the best museum ever -

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- pictures took during our boat trip -

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- West Side Story -

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009

location: New York City, USAphotograph: Giuseppe Saglioperiod: july 2009- Sunday Morning -
A New York ho passato un periodo (breve sì, ma intenso :) ) davvero sereno. Mia sorella purtroppo era stata male e ha perso qualche giorno. Spero di accompagnarcela presto di nuovo :D (tornerei proprio solo per farle compagnia eh... :P )
A presto!
In New York I spent a very happy period (short yes, but intense:)). Unfortunately my sister was very ill and she has lost a few days. I hope to go with her again soon :D (I'd go back just to keep company with her, obviously... :P)
See you soon!

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