Four months of 2015, we forget that they are already 14 years of disappointments, (as a child I had promised that after 2001 we were all going into space, we would have solved the problem of waste and the clothing ... but disintegrating rays and suits hot / cold and changes color depending on the mood, I have not yet seen;), considering instead that the time is valuable and better if it goes slow, we look a little 'what has happened in recent months in my little life on the web.gennaio-aprile2015:::GENNAIO
e vi ho tediato col resoconto dell'Hot Swing Club
I told you of the wonders of the Castle Ranciaand have you bored with the report of the Hot Club Swing
Siamo andati insieme a Viareggio, abbiamo camminato sulla spiaggia visionaria e visitato la bellissima Villa Argentina
Abbiamo festeggiato il mio compleanno sotto la Quercia dove Pinocchio seppellì i suoi denari..
We went together in Viareggio, we walked on the beach visionary. we havevisited the beautiful Villa Argentina
We celebrated my birthday under the oak where Pinocchio buried his money ..
e un raro giorno di sole a Marina di Pisa, tra decadenza e bellezza...
I went to a good party 80s with my shirt of Miami Vice. Proud!And a rare sunny day in Marina di Pisa, between decadence and beauty ...
Mi sono trasformata in un fumettoe ho passato una tranquilla Pasqua piena di cibo..I became a comicand I had a quiet Easter full of food ..