Buongiorno amiche, e buon venerdì... come state??oggi è venerdì, tempo di un nuovo challenge da sketchalicious... oggi vi proponiamo uno sketch-casetta:
Good morning friends, and a nice Wednesday to all of you!today is friday, time of a new challenge at sketchalicious... today we propose you a little house/sketch:
what do you think? isn't it sweet??? and here is my interpretation, I had this little door and windows since so long time... and finally they found a purpose!! =)
E dietro la porticina una mini Tildina che vi da il benvenuto!! =)...spero che lo sketch vi piaccia e vi stuzzichi... aspetto di vedere le vostre interpretazioni!!! =)buon weekend, e grazie per la visita... a presto
and behind the door, a mini Tilda welcome you! =)...I hope you like the sketch, and you'll play with us, I wait to see all your interpretation!! =)have a lovely weekend, and come back to visit! =)