100 gr di lardo
1 rametto di rosmarino 1 spicchio piccolo di aglio
80 gr di Parmigiano reggiano “vacche rosse”
pepe nero, q.b.
Tagliare il lardo a fettine sottili poi a listarelle e tritarlo con un coltello affilato. Tritare l'aglio e il rosmarino insieme poi unirli al lardo e aggiungere una macinata di pepe. Aggiungere il parmigiano amalgamando bene il composto. Scaldare bene le tigelle in una padella antiaderente, tagliare a metà, spalmare con il composto e servire. English VersionHere is my take on this robust and flavourful spread that comes from Emilia Romagna, the land of my ancestors from my mom's side of the family. I concocted this recipe for a company that makes Parmesan cheese and butter. Here is the recipe. 8 crescentine (mini flatbreads)
100 g lard,
1 rosemary sprig
1 small clove garlic
80 g Parmesan cheeseblack pepper, to taste
Thinly slice the lard then cut again in stripes and finely chop it with the help of a sharp knife. Finely mince the garlic with the rosemary leaves and then add to the lard along with some freshly milled black pepper. Add the Parmesan cheese to the mixture and stir well. Thoroughly re-heat the crescentine in a non-stick pan then cut in half and spread some of the lard and Parmesan mixture before serving.