After a case of minor Escorts and exclusion from the World Cup in South Africa, French Karim Benzema's unlucky year, the Real Madrid reserves, continues with a case of identity theft on Facebook. The newspaper of the Ile de la Reunion, which revealed the affair, a small island - a girl of 14 years - has received on the social network, by one of his' contacts, the picture of a penis in erection. The 'contact, a certain' Karim Benz ", she was identified as the French striker in person, with whom she was convinced to exchange messages since January. When the girl's parents discovered the porn and the content of discussions in which 'Karim Benze' spares no efforts to approach sex, denounced the case to police. For Sylvain Cormier, lawyer of the player who was also approached by the girl's family for a tentative settlement, is "a case of identity theft. My client is totally foreign to this story. Just check the IP address of computers and the investigation itself can be removed "
Spagna, benzema : furto d'identita' su facebook - spain, benzema: identity theft on facebook
Creato il 17 maggio 2010 da RollingballsAfter a case of minor Escorts and exclusion from the World Cup in South Africa, French Karim Benzema's unlucky year, the Real Madrid reserves, continues with a case of identity theft on Facebook. The newspaper of the Ile de la Reunion, which revealed the affair, a small island - a girl of 14 years - has received on the social network, by one of his' contacts, the picture of a penis in erection. The 'contact, a certain' Karim Benz ", she was identified as the French striker in person, with whom she was convinced to exchange messages since January. When the girl's parents discovered the porn and the content of discussions in which 'Karim Benze' spares no efforts to approach sex, denounced the case to police. For Sylvain Cormier, lawyer of the player who was also approached by the girl's family for a tentative settlement, is "a case of identity theft. My client is totally foreign to this story. Just check the IP address of computers and the investigation itself can be removed "
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