Telekinesis - Please Ask For Help - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 11 marzo 2011 da Lesto82

A due anni dal debutto,torna Michael Benjamin Lerner con la sua one-man band chiamata Telekinesis.E' uscito il secondo album "12 Desperate Straight Lines" del tuttofare di Seattle.Tra poco ascolteremo il primo singolo "Please Ask For Help" che  contiene qualche rimando di troppo ai Cure ma strappa la sufficienza.L'alt-pop che caratterizza la dozzina di brani del disco è quasi sempre brillante e fa passare una mezz'ora spensierata.



I'm not gonna let you down,
But I'm not gonna help you up...
It takes so long to turn me around,
When I think nothing could be wrong...
And then you can't hear me and I can't hear you,
And then you wander downtown 'bout a quarter to two,
Well with your head held low and not a thing to do you,
Gotta give me some time with those one's and two's
You're like a puzzle that can't be solved,
Missing pieces never fill the gaps...
You got the salt and I got the wound,
But, all you gotta do is ask...
And there's a glint in your eye, you curl your lip
Now when you go to shut the door
And I can't see shit
And when you start I can't stop,
Nothing for me to grip
And when i try to get away,
You always give me the slip
Please ask for
Please ask for
Please ask for help!
Please ask for
Please ask for
Please ask for help!
Please ask for
Please ask for
Please ask for help!
Please ask for
Please ask for
Please ask for help!

TRADUZIONE in arrivo...

Voto 6/10