Terrorismo di matrice islamica: chi, dove, come e perche’

Creato il 29 settembre 2011 da Wally26

Negli ultimi anni in seguito agli scandali dei rapimenti di alcuni Imam  in Europa  ad opera della CIA e della scoperta di prigioni segrete in Egitto dove i malcapitati prigionieri venivano torturati per ottenere notizie su Al-Qaeda e affini, si parla in maniera piu’ discreta delle pur regolari  investigazioni nel filone del terrorismo di matrice islamica e degli arresti preventivi di futuri  aspiranti terroristi che proseguono  al di qua’ e al di la’ dell’atlantico. Ve ne cito un paio recenti: quello odierno di Rezwan Ferdaus, 26 anni e una laurea in Fisica, preso a Boston negli Stati Uniti e l’arresto in Svezia a meta’ settembre di quattro sospetti legati all’organizzazione terrorista somala al-Shabaab.

I futuri terroristi infiltrati in occidente sono difficilmente identificabili e per questo molto difficili da stanare.  Un tentativo di analizzare il livello di radicalizzazione dei giovani appartenenti alle comunita’ islamiche americane, e’ stato avviato con l’inchiesta “The Extent of Radicalization among American Muslims” dal Congresso dal deputato Repubblicano dello stato di New York, Peter King, non senza strumentalizzazioni e polemiche da parte della comunita’ islamica, delle ONG e del partito Democratico. Fate caso ad esempio alla dichiarazione di John Feffer, co-direttore del think tank Foreign Policy in Focus, che in questo video al 3.59 minuto paragona la cosiddetta “Islamofobia” alla “propaganda anti-comunista” americana degli  ’50 e ’60; entrambi sarebbero solo dei mezzi per ottenere consenso politico. Da parte di chi? Ma dei Repubblicani ovviamente! Andiamo a finire sempre la’, proprio come Christine Ahn, direttrice esecutiva del Korea Policy Institute secondo cui la colpa della carestia in Nord Corea e’ da imputare non al magnanimo Kim Jong II, bensi’ ai Repubblicani, i quali preferirebbero spendere in armamenti piuttosto che in aiuti umanitari.

D’altra parte sappiamo che a “sinistra” batte ancora un cuore romantico e puro, che insegue ancora oggi gli utopici sogni di giustizia sociale derivati dalla eccelsa mente del caro Marx e per questo si lancia  irrazionalmente verso la difesa dei dittatori (Chavez, Castro, Kim Jong II) e delle minoranze religiose emarginate e incomprese;  (passatemi l’ironia, dai)

Ma e’ possibile tracciare a grandi linee l’identikit del “nuovo terrorista”? Sni’. Spesso si tratta di studenti universitari modello, laureandi in fisica o ingegneria. Ragazzi intelligenti, preparati, americani di prima o seconda generazione che vengono radicalizzati nelle moschee, nei campus universitari  o dalla propaganda sui siti internet. Melvin Bledsoe ad esempio, padre di Abdulhakim Muhammad, al secolo Carlos Leon Bledsoe, un ragazzo convertitosi all’Islam responsabile dell’attacco al “Little Rock Army Recruiting Center”, ha testimoniato durante l’inchiesta portando come elemento di studio una lettera scritta dal figlio che suona cosi’:

“…how I became Muslim. I don’t believe in the word “convert.” What I use “revert” because we Muslims believe that all mankind are born into Islam…I went to Yemen to learn, meaning more about Islam…Yemen is quoted from our beloved Prophet…as a place of faith and wisdom…it is one of the few places left in the Islamic world where people are actually still Muslims…[speaking of his source of income in Yemen]…I felt uncomfortable teaching the language of the Enemy to my brothers and sisters…my wife’s [he was married in Yemen] family is from Abyan…which was bombed by American drones…by O’l Uncle Sam…they claimed they targeted a meeting of the Mujahedeen…I read a statement from our Shaykh “Anwar Al Awlaki,” and he said that they killed 17 women and 23 kids…We want revenge…They kill our soldiers, we kill theirs, but if they bomb our women, children and elders Guess what? We’ll bomb theirs..the apostates of Yemeni government are true dogs. I wish I had some of their blood on my hands…”

La testimonianza del sig. Melvin riporta altri preziosi elementi;

We discovered that Carlos had dropped out of school, at the beginning of the 2005 fall semester. He was working a temporary job. He had gotten a dog while in college, and now we found out that he had turned the dog loose in the woods because he was told that Muslims consider dogs dirty creatures…. So my wife and I thought that there something or someone was getting in his head and changing the way he thinks. It had gotten to the point where he had no interest in coming home, even for the holidays… All of this was part of brainwashing him, and changing his thinking a little bit at a time… He had a job in Nashville, together with some Muslims, who would tell him that according to Islamic law, his employer had to let him pray at certain times of the day, regardless of what was going on at the job. As a business owner, I told Carlos that it would be very difficult for an employer to do this for all of his employees… As the next step on his process of radicalization, Carlos was convinced to change his name. He chose the name Abdulhakim Muhammad. At this point, his culture was no longer important to him, only the Islamic culture mattered

At this point, his culture was no longer important to him, only the Islamic culture mattered,  e di questo aspetto “totalizzante” che eradica il neo convertito dalla sua tradizione culturale e religiosa originaria e persino dalla sua lingua madre (il neofita deve imparare il Corano in lingua araba) parla diffusamente il premio Nobel per la letteratura Vidia Naipaul nel suo libro “Fedeli a Oltranza” (Adelphi). Continua Melvin;

… Some Muslim leaders had taken advantage of my son. But he’s not the only one being taken advantage of: this is going on in Nashville and in many other cities in America… In Nashville, Carlos was captured by people best described as hunters. He was manipulated and lied to. That’s how he made his way to Yemen… They set him up, telling him that he could teach English at a British School in Aden in South Yemen, This school turned out to be a front and Carlos ended up in a training camp run by terrorists…

Ed ecco un elemento fondamentale che ha permesso alla Commissione di capire in quale direzione puntare l’attenzione e il successo dei recenti arresti preventivi eseguiti negli Stati Uniti:  il ruolo di certi Iman nelle moschee;

Carlos’s joining in with Yemeni extremists was facilitated by their American counterparts in Nashville. We have since discovered that the former Imam of a Nashville mosque, the Al Farooq Mosque, wrote the recommendation letter Carlos needed for the school in Yemen. We also discovered that the school functions as an intake front for radicalizing and training Westerners for Jihad… Something is wrong with the Muslim leadership in Nashville. What happened to Carlos at those Nashville mosques isn’t normal. I have other family members who are Muslims, and they are modern, peaceful, law abiding people, who have been Muslim for many years and are not radicalized.

Ma cosa pensa Melvin circa le motivazioni che hanno spinto suo figlio a odiare cosi’ la sua nazione?

This wrong is caused by political correctness. You can even call it political fear – yes, fear. Fear of stepping on a special minority population’s toes, even as a segment of that population wants to stamp out America and everything we stand for… I must say that we are losing American babies – our children are in danger… One thing is for sure, it will happen again…

We must stop these extremist invaders from raping the minds of American citizens on American soil. Here in America today, there are people with radical Islamic political views who are organizing with one goal in mind: to convert our citizens and to turn them against the non-believers. This is a big problem now in Nashville, on college campuses and in the nearby area Nashville has become a hot bed for radical Islamic recruiting.

A proposito di propaganda anti-occidentale e anti-israeliana in atto nei College universitari americani date un’occhiata a questo sito: Students for Academic Freedom. Questo e’ un altro argomento ‘caldo’ qui negli States. Tempo fa ho visto un ottimo, commovente, realistico e non troppo sbilanciato “a sinistra” film del regista Qasim “Q” Basir intitolatoMooz-lum”, in cui si narra la storia di un ragazzo musulmano afro-americano e della sua famiglia  alle prese  con un doloroso mistero e con la vita nel periodo post 11 Settembre 2001. Il film mostra con garbo e intelligenza le difficili dinamiche famigliari,  l’esperienza traumatica del protagonista in una scuola coranica (Madrasa), le colorite sfaccettature della vita nel campus universitario e il difficile periodo vissuto dalla comunita’ islamica americana nell’immediato post 11 Settembre. Guardatelo se potete, fa riflettere;

Filed under: Africa, Films, Integrazione, Islam, Politica Americana, Sistema educativo, Societa', Valori della Sinistra

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