Purtroppo non abbiamo avuto ancora tempo per provare la nuova versione quindi vi chiediamo di inserire nei commenti dell’articolo le vostre osservazioni e i problemi che incontrerete nell’utilizzare questa nuova versione di TinyUmbrella.
Qui di seguito il post ufficiale rilasciato sul blog di TinyUmbrella:
Before you ask; Yes a solution for the 5.x firmware nonce is being investigated… None of us have a working solution yet though. Hang tight.
I have a couple trails and ideas I am trying out for 4.x baseband based restores to avoid 10xx errors. Until then save your signatures as you will never know when they may come in handy…
TinyPwn update: I’ve not had much time in the past month to work on this. Real life drama, work, etc have taken much of my time. I still intend on a release… eventually…
Effectively it’ll just have to be done when it’s done…