Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat: Software Packages presenti nella categoria Aplicazioni Matematiche, prima parte.

Creato il 25 aprile 2011 da Hugor @msdiaz61
Tutto il software presente nella prossima versione di Ubuntu 10.10 Karmic Koala relativo alla Categoria Applicazioni Matematiche.
Come al solito una recensione, sceheda tecnica e istruzioni per il download di ogni programma.
Dai più conosciuti come Acl2, Alt Ergo, Axiom e Cantor (senza tralasciare il popolare Gnumeric) ad altri semplici tools come Cogides, Eukleide e  Grinvin
In ordine alfabetico da acl2 a gsl.
acl2 (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary
acl2-books (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: compiled libraries
acl2-books-certs (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library certificates
acl2-books-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: library sources
acl2-emacs (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface
acl2-infix (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix interface
acl2-infix-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: infix source
acl2-source (4.0-3) [universe]
A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: source files
admesh (0.95-7ubuntu1) [universe]
a tool for processing triangulated solid meshes
alt-ergo (0.91-2) [universe]
Automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
ann-tools (1.1.1+doc-2.2) [universe]
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching library (tools)
apcalc ( [universe]
Arbitrary precision calculator (original name: calc)
apcalc-common ( [universe]
Arbitrary precision calculator (common files)
aribas (1.64-3) [universe]
interpreter for arithmetic
autoclass (3.3.6-1) [universe]
automatic classification or clustering
axiom (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: main binary and modules
axiom-databases (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: generated text databases
axiom-graphics (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
axiom-graphics-data (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: graphics subsystem
axiom-hypertex (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
axiom-hypertex-data (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: hypertex subsystem
axiom-source (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: source files
axiom-test (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: regression test inputs
axiom-tex (20100501-1) [universe]
A general purpose computer algebra system: style file for TeX
bc (1.06.95-2)
The GNU bc arbitrary precision calculator language
blacs-mpi-test (1.1-28.2build1) [universe]
Basic Linear Algebra Comm. Subprograms - Test files for MPI
blacs-test-common (1.1-28.2build1) [universe]
Test data for BLACS testers
bugsx (1.08-12) [multiverse]
program to evolve biomorphs using genetic algorithms
cadabra (1.25-1) [universe]
field-theory motivated computer algebra system
cantor (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2)
interface for mathematical applications
cantor-backend-kalgebra (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2)
KAlgebra backend for Cantor
cantor-backend-maxima (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Maxima backend for Cantor
cantor-backend-sage (4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2) [universe]
Sage backend for Cantor
carmetal ( [universe]
dynamic geometry software with highly ergonomic UI
cimg-dev (1.3.3-1) [universe]
powerful image processing library
circlepack (5.1-7) [universe]
creation and display of circle packings
concalc (0.9.2-1) [universe]
console calculator
coq (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (toplevel and compiler)
coq-theories (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (theories)
coqide (8.2.pl2+dfsg-1ubuntu1) [universe]
proof assistant for higher-order logic (gtk interface)
cpushare (0.48-4) [universe]
client and server for the CPUShare distributed computing platform
cvc3 (2.2-13) [universe]
An automatic theorem prover for SMT problems
cvc3-el (2.2-13) [universe]
Emacs mode for CVC3
dc (1.06.95-2)
The GNU dc arbitrary precision reverse-polish calculator
dicelab (0.7-1) [universe]
evaluate the statistical distribution of dice rolls
dolfin-bin (0.9.8-3build1) [universe]
Executable scripts for DOLFIN
drgeo (1.1.0-6) [universe]
An interactive geometry software
dynare (4.1.1-2) [universe]
suite for non-linear models with forward looking variables
dynare-common (4.1.1-2) [universe]
platform independent files for Dynare
dynare-matlab (4.1.1-2) [multiverse]
MEX files for MATLAB users of Dynare
edenmath.app (1.1.1a-7build2) [universe]
Scientific calculator for GNUstep
ess (5.10-1) [universe]
Emacs mode for statistical programming and data analysis
eukleides (1.5.3-1) [universe]
Euclidean geometry drawing language
euler (1.61.0-8) [universe]
interactive mathematical programming environment
euler-doc (1.61.0-8) [universe]
documentation for the mathematical programming environment Euler
evolver (2.30c-1) [universe]
Surface Evolver
extcalc (0.9.2-1) [universe]
multifunctional scientific graphic calculator
fenics (10.06-2) [universe]
automation of computational mathematical modeling
formed (3.3f-1) [universe]
formula editor for first-order logic formulae
frama-c (20100401+boron+dfsg-4) [universe]
Framework for source code analysis of software written in C
freefem (3.5.8-4.2) [universe]
A PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
freefem-examples (3.5.8-4.2) [universe]
Example files for FreeFEM
freefem3d (1.0pre10-2.1) [universe]
A language and solver for partial differential equations in 3D
freemat (4.0-3) [universe]
mathematics framework (mostly matlab compatible)
freemat-data (4.0-3) [universe]
freemat data files
freemat-help (4.0-3) [universe]
freemat help files
galculator (1.3.4-1ubuntu2) [universe]
A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator
galculator-hildon (1.3.4-1ubuntu2) [universe]
A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator for Hildon-based systems
gambit (0.2006.01.20-3) [universe]
Game theory analysis software and tools
gambit-doc (0.97.0-1) [universe]
documentation for gambit
gap (4r4p12-1) [universe]
Groups, Algorithms and Programming computer algebra system
gap-character-tables (1r1p3-5) [universe]
GAP Library of character tables
gap-core (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, core components
gap-guava (3.6-2) [universe]
Coding theory library for GAP
gap-libs (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries
gap-online-help (4r4p12-1) [universe]
GAP computer algebra system, online help
gap-prim-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of primitive groups for GAP
gap-small-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of small groups for GAP
gap-small-groups-extra (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Large database of small groups for GAP
gap-table-of-marks (1r1p4-1) [universe]
GAP table of marks library
gap-trans-groups (4r4p10-1) [universe]
Database of transitive groups for GAP
gbase (0.5-2.2) [universe]
small numeric base converter
gcalctool (5.32.0-0ubuntu1)
GNOME desktop calculator
genus2reduction (0.3-2) [universe]
Conductor and Reduction Types for Genus 2 Curves
geomview (1.9.4-2) [universe]
interactive geometry viewing program
gerris (20091109-dfsg.1-2) [universe]
Gerris Flow Solver
gfan (0.3dfsg-1) [universe]
Program for computing with Groebner fans
gfm (1.03-2build1) [universe]
Texas Instruments hand-helds file manipulation program for X
ggobi (2.1.9~20091212-3) [universe]
Data visualization system for high-dimensional data
ginac-tools (1.5.8-1) [universe]
Some tools for the GiNaC symbolic framework
gliese (3.0.95-2) [multiverse]
stellar data set from the Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars
glpk (4.43-1) [universe]
linear programming kit
glpk-utils (4.43-1) [universe]
linear programming kit - utility files
gmp-ecm (6.2-1) [universe]
Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method
gmsh (2.4.2.dfsg-3) [universe]
three-dimensional finite element mesh generator
gnumeric (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program
gnumeric-common (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - common files
gnumeric-plugins-extra (1.10.8-1ubuntu1) [universe]
spreadsheet application for GNOME - additional plugins
gnuplot (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-mode (1:0.6.0-5) [universe]
Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
gnuplot-nox (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
gnuplot-x11 (4.4.0-1) [universe]
A command-line driven interactive plotting program
grace (1:5.1.22-8build1) [universe]
An XY plotting tool
graphmonkey (1.7-2) [universe]
a GTK#-based graphing calculator
graphthing (1.3.2-3) [universe]
tool to create, manipulate and study graphs
gretl (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library
gretl-common (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- scripts package
gretl-data (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- data package
gretl-doc (1.9.0-1build1) [universe]
The GNU Regression, Econometric & Time-Series Library -- doc package
grinvin (1.2-1) [multiverse]
interactive software for studying graphs and their invariants
grpn (1.1.2-3) [universe]
GTK+ reverse polish notation calculator
gsl-bin (1.14+dfsg-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- binary package
gsl-ref-html (1.14-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in html
gsl-ref-psdoc (1.14-1) [universe]
GNU Scientific Library (GSL) Reference Manual in postscript

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