In 2000 Valentina began her live, her frequent concerts at the local, memorable Roman clubs and movement of artists. In 2002 he played at Roma Live Festival and the Heineken Jammin Festival. In 2006 his first record: I DO NOT WANT TO STAY Red Riding Hood (Highlands / GDM / Edel). The album comes in the pink of the five finalists vying for the award of the 2006 Tenco Prize for “Best debut album” and nominated for the prize from the pile OUT. In May 2007 he win the third edition of May Day All Year which allows it to join the Roman Concertone St. Giovanni.Insieme his band was a guest at the “Festival of Youth Culture”, organized by the Joint Salerno and in the event “Winds of Erasmus Rimini opens the concert of Tiromancino, Afterhours and Bandabardò ‘. He performed again in Rome at Villa Celimontana at La Palma Club along with Nicky Nicolai, the” International Festival of Poetry ” Genoa, the “Festival of Music” in Pinerolo, the “Novara Summer Festival, the MEI IF THIS ROCK-Festival of Florence and the Auditorium Parco della Musica with Stefano Di Battista.Nell ‘winter 2008, started a tour that has hit several towns, alternating the sets those in training acoustic electric violinist Vanessa Cremaschi.Attualmente Valentina is building his second album and composing soundtracks.
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