Washed Out - Don't Give Up - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 06 agosto 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,washed out,video washed out,testi washed out,traduzioni washed out

Quel paracool di Washed Out(Ernest Greene,cantautore 30enne americano) non lascia la chillwave e ci propone un singolo più che rappresentativo del genere.Si intitola "Don't Give Up" e anticipa il secondo disco "Paracosm",nei negozi dal 13 agosto.Un brano che al primo ascolto avevo quasi accantonato,salvo fare una marcia indietro lunga alcuni chilometri.



It's been so long
Since we said goodbye
Too much that went wrong
Has led us far apart
I was still surprised when I caught your eye after all this time
And it took me back to the times we had
Even though that we're far apart we've come so close and it feels so right
Don't give up
Even though that we're far apart we've come so close and it feels so right
Don't give up
Our life is over
It's all been left behind
So many choices
Separate us now
I was still surprised when we met that night after all this time
And it took me back to the times we had
[Chorus x3]


Voto 7/10


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