World press photo 2011

Creato il 18 febbraio 2011 da Catone
È il ritratto di Bibi Aisha, una donna afghana sfigurata con il taglio del naso e delle orecchie per avere abbandonato il tetto coniugale, la foto dell’anno 2010

La vincitrice assoluta: il ritratto di Bibi Aisha, 18enne afghana - Foto di Jodi Bieber (Sudafrica), pubblicata su «Time» dell'1 agosto 2011. La foto ha vinto anche la categoria «Ritratti individuali»

Un suicida a Budapest - Foto di Peter Lakatos (Ungheria)
1 Péter Lakatos, Hungary, MTI
Suicide jump, Budapest, Hungary, 22 May

2 Daniel Morel, Haiti
Rescue of a woman trapped under earthquake rubble, Port-au-Prince, 12 January

3 Uwe Weber, Germany, for Bild
Crowd throngs at entrance to Love Parade, Duisburg, Germany, 24 July
1 Daniel Morel, Haiti Minutes after the earthquake, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 12 January

Corentin Fohlen, France, Fedephoto, of anti-government riots in Bangkok, Thailand, May 2010.
2 Corentin Fohlen, France, Fedephoto
Anti-government riots, Bangkok, Thailand, May

3 Lu Guang, China Firefighters during oil spill cleanup attempt, Dalian, China, 20 June
Honorable mention

Alexandre Vieira, Brazil, Jornal O Dia
Shootout on the street, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 03 March

L'antico mercato del ferro in fiamme a Port-au-Prince, Haiti - Foto di Riccardo Venturi (Italia), vincitore nella categoria «Prize Single General News»

1 Riccardo Venturi, Italy, Contrasto
Old Iron Market burns, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 18 January

2 Guang Niu, China, for Getty Images
Tibetan monks prepare mass cremation for earthquake victims, Qinghai Province, China, 17 April
3 Javier Manzano, USA
Mexico’s drug wars: severed head of a murder victim, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, 06 February

Haiti, dopo il terremoto - Foto di Olivier Laban-Mattei (Francia)

1 Olivier Laban-Mattei, France, Agence France-Presse
Earthquake aftermath, Port-au-Prince, 15-26 January

2 Massimo Berruti, Italy, Agence Vu
Targeted killings in Karachi, Pakistan

3 Fernando Brito, Mexico, El Debate de Culiacán
Victims of Mexico’s drug wars, Culiacán

1 Altaf Qadri, India, The Associated Press
Funeral of Feroz Ahmad, Pahan, Indian-administered Kashmir, 06 September

Julian Assange, fondatore di Wikileaks - Foto di Seamus Murphy (Irlanda)

2 Seamus Murphy, Ireland, VII Photo Agency
Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, London, 30 September

Vincent Yu, Hong Kong, The Associated Press.
North Korea leader Kim Jong Il and his son Kim Jong Un, Pyongyang, North Korea, 10 October
3 Vincent Yu, Hong Kong, The Associated Press
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his son Kim Jong Un, Pyongyang, North Korea, 10 October

Scontri per il cibo fra vittime delle alluvioni in Pakistan negli scorsi agosto-settembre - Foto di Daniel Berehulak (Australia)

1 Daniel Berehulak, Australia, Getty Images
Pakistan floods, August-September

2 Kemal Jufri, Indonesia, Panos Pictures
Eruption of Mount Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia, November

3 Filip Cwik, Poland, Napo Images for Newsweek Polska
National mourning, Poland, April

Mondiali di calcio 2010: l'intervento di Caceres su De Zeeuw in Uruguay-Olanda - Foto di Mike Hutchings (Sudafrica)
1 Mike Hutchings, South Africa, Reuters

The picture shows Spanish bullfighter Julio Aparicio being gored by a bull during a bullfight at Las Ventas, Madrid, Spain on 21 May 2010
2 Gustavo Cuevas, Spain, EFE
Matador Julio Aparicio is wounded by a bull, Madrid, 21 May

3 Steve Christo, Australia, Sydney Morning Herald
The Cole Classic ocean racing competition, Manly Beach, Australia, 07 February

Il tuffatore britannico Tom Daley nella gara di trampolino 3 metri all'Olimpiade giovanile di Singapore - Foto di Adam Pretty

1 Adam Pretty, Australia, Getty Images
Sports portfolio

2 Tomasz Gudzowaty, Poland, Yours Gallery
Mexico’s Car Frenzy

The subject is Tour of Eritrea: Eritrean national cycling team passes a camelcaravan on the road from Barentu to Keren.
3 Chris Keulen, the Netherlands, Panos Pictures for Geo
Tour of Eritrea

1 Marco Di Lauro, Italy, Reportage by Getty Images
Food crisis in Niger: meat and offal for sale, Gadabedji, Niger, July

Nguyen Thi Li, 9 anni, vittima dell'Agente Arancio a Da Nang, Vietnam - Foto di Ed Kashi (Usa)

2 Ed Kashi, USA, VII Photo Agency
Nguyen Thi Ly, 9, suffers from Agent Orange disabilities, Da Nang, Vietnam

3 Ivo Saglietti, Italy, Prospekt
Relatives at Potocari Memorial, Srebrenica, Bosnia, 11 July

Quattro rifugiati in fuga dalla Somalia verso lo Yemen - Foto di Ed Ou (Canada)

1 Ed Ou, Canada, Reportage by Getty Images
Escape from Somalia, March

2 Darcy Padilla, USA, Redux Pictures
The Julie Project, 1993-2010
3 Sarah Elliott, USA Illegal abortions in Ribera, Kenya
Honorable mention

Michael Wolf, Germany, Laif Photos & Reportagen
A Series of Unfortunate Events, Google Street View

Un uomo trasporta in spalla uno squalo nelle strade di Mogadiscio - Foto di Omar Feisal (Somalia)
1 Omar Feisal, Somalia, for Reuters
Man carries a shark through the streets of Mogadishu, Somalia, 23 September
2 Malte Jäger, Germany, Laif Photos & Reportagen
CouchSurfers in a Brooklyn loft, New York

Andrew Biraj, Bangladesh, Reuters.
Overcrowded train approaches station, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3 Andrew Biraj, Bangladesh, Reuters

Scenario metropolitano - Foto di Martin Roemers (Olanda)
1 Martin Roemers, the Netherlands, Panos Pictures

2 Fernando Moleres, Spain Juveniles in prison, Sierra Leone
3 Mads Nissen, Denmark, Berlingske
In the Name of Victoria

1 Jodi Bieber, South Africa, Institute for Artist Management for Time magazine
Bibi Aisha, disfigured as punishment for fleeing her husband’s house, Kabul, Afghanistan

Kirill Lewerski, cadetto sulla nave russa Kruzenshtern - Foto di Joost van den Broek (Olanda), secondo classificato nella categoria «Portraits Single»
2 Joost van den Broek, the Netherlands, de Volkskrant
Kirill Lewerski, cadet on Russian tall ship Kruzenshtern

3 Guillem Valle, Spain A Dinka man in front of his home, Akkach, Southern Sudan

1 Andrew McConnell, Ireland, Panos Pictures
“The Last Colony”, Western Sahara

Autoritratto per social network - Foto di Wolfram Hahn (Germania), secondo classificato nella categoria «Prize Portraits Stories»
2 Wolfram Hahn, Germany Self-portraits for social networks
3 Kenneth O'Halloran, Ireland Fairground public, Ireland

Josephine Mpongo practices the cello, Kinshasa, DR Congo

1 Andrew McConnell, Ireland, Panos Pictures for Der Spiegel

2 Davide Monteleone, Italy, Contrasto for The New York Times Style Magazine. Milan Fashion Week: Valeria Marini show
3 Fabio Cuttica, Italy, Contrasto
Narco Cinema: Fabian Lopez on the set of the film El Baleado 2, Tijuana, Mexico

1 Amit Madheshiya, India
Night screenings at traveling cinema, India

Contest by Daniele Tamagni, Italy shows Lucha libre (Bolivian wrestling), as cholitas’ Carmen Rosa and Yulia la Pacena perform in a benefit show to raise money for the bathrooms of a school in La Paz, Bolivia, June 26, 2010.
2 Daniele Tamagni, Italy
The Flying Cholitas, Bolivia
3 Amit Sha'al, Israel, Calcalist
“Altneuland”, Israel
1 Thomas P. Peschak , Germany, Save our Seas Foundation
Cape Gannet comes to land, Malgas Island, South Africa

Reinhard Dirscherl, Germany.
Atlantic Sailfish attack Spanish Sardines, off Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
2 Reinhard Dirscherl, Germany

3 Olivier Grunewald, France, for Le Figaro Magazine
Volcano Nyiragongo lava lake, DR Congo

1 Benjamin Lowy, USA, Reportage by Getty Images for GQ
Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Contest by Stefano Unterthiner, Italy, for National Geographic magazine shows Whooper Swans at dawn, Hokkaido, Japan, Jan. 2010.
2 Stefano Unterthiner, Italy, for National Geographic magazine
Whooper Swan

Christophe Archambault, France, Agence France-Presse.
Mount Bromo volcano erupts, Java, Indonesia
3 Christophe Archambault, France, Agence France-Presse

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