Regole: dare il premio ad altri 11 blog con meno di 200 followers GFC, rispondere alle 11 domande proposte, dire 11 cose di sè, avvisare gli 11 blogger ai quali si assegna il premio e scrivere per loro 11 nuove domande. Buon divertimento!!!Ecco le mie 11 istantanee/sfaccettature
1. non sopporto il "cibo confezionato"2. adoro il nero3. sono per le cose semplici, senza tanti fronzoli, funzionali4. ho smesso di fumare da una decina di anni5. non mangio cereali (se non mooolto saltuariamente)6. aborro lo zucchero7. ho un orto e una serra (che zappo io)8. non butto mai via nulla, la mia mania è il riciclo9. se non so qualcosa chiedo "a zio Google"10. ODIO le sorprese11. spesso lascio in sospeso i progetti che inizio
Liebster award di Sara di Parole in disordine

Le sue domande (e le mie risposte);
1. Il libro che ha segnato di più la tua vita fino ad orasegnato è una parola grossa, adoro tutto ciò che scrive Stephen King2. Un film che mi consiglierestiNon saprei, non ho grosse preferenze!3. L'odore/profumo che preferiscivaniglia4. Quale è il senso che usi di piùla vista5. Perchè hai aperto un blogper condividere la mia gioia di cucire6.Mare o montagna?mare (in montagna ci vivo...)7. Cane o gatto?entrambi8. Il viaggio che non dimenticherai maiMi sa che lo devo ancora fare...9. Adesso che libro stai leggendo?Stephen King - Una splendida festa di morte (The Shining)10. Quale è il primo desiderio della tua lista?essere felice11. Cosa porti sempre con te?telefono
Liebster award di Margherita di Borse della Borzzeria

Gli 11 blog ai quali assegno il Liebster:
"The Versatile Blogger" award di Sara e Alessandra di La Girandola Creativa

Gli 11 blog ai quali assegno il Versatile:
Le 11 domande a cui tutti e 22 dovranno rispondere:
1. Jeans o abito elegante?2. Bicicletta o mezzi pubblici?
3. Dolce o salato?
4. Trucco o acqua e sapone?
5. Sai nuotare?
6. Sai cucire?
7. Ti consideri realizzato/a?
8. Carne o pesce?
9. Insalata o Patatine fritte?
10. Bianco o nero?
11. pigiama o camicia da notte?
Buon divertimento :)English versionRecently, I have received three awards; due to the short time available I have unfortunately delayed in publishing the post on, but now I'm ready!
First of all, thanks to those who gave them to me the awards!
Rules: Give the award to 11 other blogs with less than 200 followers GFC, answer 11 questions asked, say 11 things about themselves, warn 11 bloggers to whom you give the award and write 11 new applications for them. Have fun!
Then, here are my 11 snapshots/facets
Liebster award of Sara from Parole in disordine

Her questions (and my answers):1. The book that has marked most of your life so far
marked is a big word, I love everything that Stephen King writes
2. A film that you advise me
I do not know, I have no particular preference!
3. The scent you prefer
vanilla4. Which is the way it uses morethe view5. Why did you open a blogto share my joy of sewing6.Mare or mountain?the sea (we live in the mountains ...)7. Dogs or cats?both8. The trip you will never forgetI know that I have yet to do ...9. Now that book are you reading?Stephen King - A wonderful celebration of death (The Shining)10. What is the first desire of your list?be happy11. What do you always carry with you?phone
Liebster award from Margherita of Borse della Borzzeria

Her questions (and my answers):
1. In what region you live in?
piedmont (Italy)2. Your dream as a child?I think I'm the only one not to have had a childhood dream - very pragmatic in my family ....3. What annoys you the most?ignorance "by choice"4. What is your favorite color?Black5. What is your quality that you think the others likes?don't know6. You are naturally talkative or quiet?the first ;)7. Training?swimming and slowburn8. What is the adjective that describes you?...9. What is that suit you?sewing? ;)10. What is your ideal clothing?jeans and a turtleneck (if I lived in Hawaii a bikini would be fine too!)11. Do you prefer coffee or tea?coffee and / or herbal tea
The 11 blog to whom I give the Liebster:
"The Versatile Blogger" award by Sara and Alexandra of
"The Versatile Blogger" award by Sara and Alexandra of
La Girandola Creativa
La Girandola Creativa
La Girandola Creativa

1. What is your talent?Sewing ... I hope!2. Cinema or dvd on the couch?DVD on the couch, or better yet Sky3. What is your favorite movie?I have no big preference, I like them all :)4. What was the last book you read?I'm reading Stephen King - The Shining5. Do you enjoy cooking?Yes, very much!6. What is your biggest passion?Sewing ;)7. What language would you like to learn?The japaneese8. Where do you like to go if I could do a trip?Iceland9. In that place you would go?I love the Netherlands10. One thing I've always wanted to do but have not yet found the right opportunity.There's more than one ...11. One thing that makes you laugh just thinking about it?The laughter of my daughter <3
The 11 blog to whom I give the Versatile:
And there are the questions they all 22 have to answer:
1. Denim or elegant dress?2. Bicycle or public transport?
3. Sweet or salty?
4. Makeup or soap and water?
5. Can you swim?
6. Can you sew?
7. Do you consider yourself realized?
8. Meat or fish?
9. Salad or French fries?
10. White or black?
11. Pajamas or nightgown?
Let's have fun :)