This is the complete list of the Maestros who will hold their own Master Classes during the next 23° International Festival of Guitar in Mottola (TA) from July 4 to 12, 2015.
Leo Brouwer - guitar - July 9/12
Eduardo Isaac - guitar - July 9/12
Augustin Wiedemann - guitar - July 9/12
Roberto Fabbri - guitar - July 4/5
Christian Lavernier - guitar - July 9/12
Luciano Pompilio - guitar - July 8/9
Lucia Pizzutel - guitar - July 6/12
Piero Viti - guitar - July 9/12
Livio Grasso - guitar - July 9/12
Regolamento Master Classes
Regolamento del 21° Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione per Chitarra
Regolamento 21° Concorso Internazionale “Giovani Chitarristi”
Regolamento Vacanza Studio “Chitarreinsieme”http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChitarraEDintorni