Published by
Charlotte Coils
Tight Coil: Roll a strip of paper tightly around your
tool (slotted tool, needle tool, or toothpick), being sure to deep the paper in alignment as you roll. Place a small dab of glue at the end of the strip, glue end to the roll, and hold until set. Remove the tool.
Loose Coil: Roll a strip into a tight coil; remove the tool and allow the roll uncoil to the desired size. Glue the loose end to the coil.
Teardrop: Make a loose coil. With your index finger and thumb, pinch the coil into a point, allowing the opposite side to remain round.
Shaped Teardrop: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a teardrop, curving the pinched end slightly so that it flairs out.
Marquise: Make a loose coil. Holding the coil between the index finger and thumbs of both hands, pinch the coil into two points, leaving the center of the coil round and loose.
Shaped Marquise: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a marquise. With your fingers or curling tool, curl the ends in the opposite direction.
Elongated Marquise: Make a VERY loose coil and pinch it into a long, narrow marquise.
Pressed Heart: Make a loose coil and pinch into a teardrop. With your fingernail or a toothpick, indent the center of the round end to form a heart.
Square: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a marquise. Rotate the marquise 90 degrees between your thumbs and index fingers and pinch again, forming two more points. Each side should be the same length.
Rectangle: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a marquise. Rotate the marquise slightly between your thumbs and index fingers and pinch again, forming two more points near the original ones to form two long sides and two short sides.
Triangle: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a teardrop. While holding the teardrop by the pinched end, press down on the rounded end and pinch two more points. You can vary the height of the triangle by placing these two pinched points closer or further apart.
Half Circle: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a teardrop. Pinch the paper a second time closer to the first point. You can vary the height of the half circle by placing the two pinched points closer or further apart.
Crescent: Make a loose coil and pinch it into a half circle. Press in the center of the half circle while curving the ends to form a crescent moon shape.
Elongated Crescent: Make a VERY loose coil. Press in the center while curving the ends to form an elongated crescent moon shape.
Loose Scroll: Loosely roll a strip into a coil. Remove the quilling tool and allow the roll to uncoil. Do not glue.
S-Scroll: Loosely roll one end of a paper strip half-way down. Flip and loosely roll the other end in the opposite direction forming an “S” shape. Do not glue.
C-Scroll: Loosely roll each end of a paper strip to the center to form a “C” shape. Do not glue.
V-Scroll: Fold your strip of paper in half. Loosely roll each end outward to form a “V” shape. Do not glue.
Heart Scroll: Fold your strip of paper in half. Loosely roll each end toward the center to form a heart shape. Do not glue.
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