Maybe the title (Andrea d' Amico, king of the belts) is too much, maybe. But his creations are very particular, between irony and elegance, with quality leather, made in Italy. The belts go from the most simple to those ones with a fashion whimsical design.
Andrea sin da bambino si aggirava per la bottega del nonno e del padre, calzolai a Bologna dal 1945, ci dice il sito. E oggi il savoir faire familiare si è trasmesso a lui, che nella sua azienda lavora le cinture fatte con materiali pregiatissimi: morbido vitello, rettile, nabuk...
Since he was young, Andrea roamed in the shop of the grandfather and than of the father, shoemakers in Bologna since 1945, as the website says. And today we find in his belts the heritage of the family savoir faire with excellent materials.
E, sbirciando su Yoox, ho scoperto che la società produce anche qualche capospalla in pelle...
On yoox I also found some leather jacket...

Sono spiacente per non aver trovato molte altre notizie, ma intanto vi avrò fatto conoscere questa bella realtà nostrana.
I' m sorry for not having told you many other things, but quite happy because you could now discover this artisan little society.

Una cinturaA belt