Jolie ponders the future of his career and admits to Vanity Fair: “It is not the most important thing in my life. I have a house full of joy.” The actress, before retiring from movies, like to make another film Brad Pitt with her boyfriend (the first was “Mr. Smith and Ms. Smith”), “we must find the right story. I do not think the public wants to see a love story between two actors are together in reality. “” I love Brad anyway, with or without a beard. ” The actress also speaks of his private life, probably for the first time since the beginning of her relationship with Pitt, “are not against marriage, but it’s as though we were already married. Children are clearly an even greater commitment. And for life. “With regard to what they hear constantly on her new pregnancy, the actress has refused to wait for the seventh son,” Brad and I did not discard the idea of having other children, but we want to make sure we have time for each them. Do not want to build a large family and then realizing that not having time to grow in the right way. ” When the Pitt-Jolie family is composed of six children: Maddox, adopted in 2002 in Cambodia, Zahara, adopted in 2005 in Ethiopia, Shilow, the first couple’s natural daughter born in Namibia, Pax adopted three years ago in Vietnam and Finally the twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline born two years ago: their first pictures broke all records sold to People and Hello magazines for $ 14 million, the money was then donated to charity. Angelina speaks of little Shiloh, only 4 years old and already on every magazine in the world: “He wants to be a male, always likes to dress pants, like his brothers. Even at his age I was a tomboy, then at some point I said enough. “Jolie does not remember what caused this change, probably the world around her:” Once you begin to realize that the adult world is not exactly as you want, then when you have children and grow old, return to be way you were a child. “
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