Anna dello Russo per H&M by Mert and Marcus

Creato il 10 settembre 2012 da Dg_victims @DG_VICTIMS
Anna dello Russo per H&M by Mert and Marcus Lesson number 1: Fashion is a declaration of your own freedom Lesson number 2: Between style and fashion? Absolutely fashion Lesson number 3: Fashion is always uncomfortable. If you feel comfortable, you never get the look Lesson number 4: Fabulous at any age Lesson number 5: Wearing night clothes in a daytime is unexpected Lesson number 6: Somebody wearing your same outfit? Wonderful. You did the right choice. Lesson number 7: You must wear outfit once Lesson number 8: Wear coat as a dress Lesson number 9: It doesn’t matter the size of your body, fashion flatter everything Lesson number 10: Fashion jewels personalize your style

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