Apple ha appena rilasciato iOS 6.0.1 per l’iPhone, iPad e iPod. Si tratta solo di un aggiornamento minore con alcuni miglioramenti al software. E’ possibile scaricare l’aggiornamento e installarlo direttamente.
E’ disponibile sia tramite OTA ( Over The Air ) o tramite iTunes. Apple rilascia anche la versione iOS 6.1 per Beta Tester e Sviluppatori. Qui di seguito potrete trovare il changelog completo dell’aggiornamento:
This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:
● Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates wirelessly over the air
● Fixes a bug where horizontal lines may be displayed across the keyboard
● Fixes an issue that could cause camera flash to not go off
● Improves reliability of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) when connected to encrypted WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
● Resolves an issue that prevents iPhone from using the cellular network in some instances
● Consolidated the Use Cellular Data switch for iTunes Match
● Fixes a Passcode Lock bug which sometimes allowed access to Passbook pass details from lock screen
● Fixes a bug affecting Exchange meetings

Download iOS 6.0.1