Stanco di non riuscire a rimuovere programmi come l’antivirus o particolari programmi spyware complicati? stanco di avere sempre problemi al riavvio dopo aver rimosso programmi sensibili? ecco a voi AppRemover, oggi alla sua versione
Ma vediamo cos’è? ..AppRemover è un programa gratuito specializzato nella disinstallazione di programmi di sicurezza come antivirus e antispyware.

Usatelo per disinstallare:
Suite di sicurezza
AppRemover è privo di virus e spyware.
The latest version of AppRemover has been released and is available for download. Please visit the AppRemover section of the OPSWAT User Portal to download the package and view the documentation. Details of the release are included below:
AppRemover Release notes
Bug Fixes:
Enhanced support for [eEye Digital Security] eEye Digital Security Blink Professional 4.x
Product support:
added support for [Verizon] Verizon Internet Security Suite Anti-Virus 8.x
added support for [Verizon] Verizon Internet Security Suite Anti-Virus 7.x
added support for [ALLIT Service, LLC] Zillya Antivirus 1.x
added support for [ALLIT Service, LLC] Zillya Internet Security 1.x
added support for [Filseclab Corp.] Twister AntiVirus 7.x
added support for [GData Software AG] GDATA NotebookSecurity 21.x
added support for [GData Software AG] GData Antivirus 2013 23.x
added support for [GData Software AG] GData InternetSecurity 2013 23.x
added support for [GData Software AG] GData Total Protection 2013 23.x
added support for [K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.] K7 Total Security 12.x
added support for [K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.] K7 AntiVirus 11.x
added support for [K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.] K7 Antivirus 12.x
added support for [K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.] K7UltimateSecurity 11.x
added support for [K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.] K7AntiVirus Premium 12.x
added support for [Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG] Ashampoo Anti-Malware 1.x
added support for [Norman ASA] Norman Security Suite 9.x
added support for [Norman ASA] Norman Security Suite 8.x
added support for [ALWIL Software] avast! Endpoint Protection Suite Plus 7.x
added support for [ALWIL Software] avast! Pro Antivirus 7.x
added support for [ALWIL Software] avast! Endpoint Protection Suite 7.x
added support for [ALWIL Software] avast! Endpoint Protection 7.x
added support for [ALWIL Software] avast! Endpoint Protection Plus 7.x
added support for [Comodo Group] COMODO Antivirus 5.x
added support for [eEye Digital Security] eEye Digital Security Blink Personal 5.xadded support for [eEye Digital Security] eEye Digital Security Blink Server 5.xadded support for [eEye Digital Security] eEye Digital Security Blink Professional 5.xadded support for [VirusBlokAda Ltd.] Vba32 for Personal 3.xadded support for [VirusBlokAda Ltd.] Vba32 for Vista 3.xadded support for [VirusBlokAda Ltd.] Vba32 for Workstation 3.x