Magazine Arte

Art for the masses

Creato il 14 novembre 2014 da Ant
Art for the masses
L'arte non nasce per essere relegata in una nicchia per il sollazzo di pochi intimi; ha necessità di ogni spazio disponibile per presentarsi e offrirsi a più gente possibile. Tutti hanno il diritto di fruirla come meglio gli aggrada, nei modi e nei tempi che si ritiene opportuno. Un piccolo blog come questo ha preso vita proprio con questo scopo: cercare di dare spazio e far conoscere artisti di valore a un pubblico non particolarmente avvezzo a tutto quanto concerne l'arte. Per questo ho sempre cercato di portare all'attenzione del popolo del web, nell'immenso mare di informazioni che costituisce la rete stessa, artisti, musicisti e scrittori non troppo noti presso il grande pubblico (salvo qualche rara eccezione). Questo blog, infatti, non si rivolge a una fauna di esperti e critici d'arte o di musica, e non ha la pretesa di sostituirsi a riviste specializzate o a web-zines sapientemente condotte da giornalisti scafati. Qui l'approccio è assolutamente semplice, rustico e artigianale...una sorta di "fai da te" nel campo minato dell'arte; un approccio underground e punk verso opere che forse meriterebbero ben altra attitudine e competenza, ma la bellezza e le meraviglie del mondo sono di tutti, non solo di una ristretta cerchia di "fortunati."Restituiamo l'arte al popolo...
Qui c'è qualche immagine, il resto verrà dopo:
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Ida Budetta - "Le Verità Nascoste"
Il catalogo della mostra personale della granda pittrice, a cura di Massimiliano Bisazza:
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses
Art for the masses

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