Magazine Astronomia

Astrobiology, le graphic novel della NASA

Creato il 24 agosto 2015 da Sabrinamasiero
Astrobiology Magazine della NASA. Crediti: Aaron L. Gronstal/NASA, Leslie Mullen Daniella Scalice;NASA ASTROBIO GRAPHIC NOVELS Through fantastic original artwork and a compelling storyline, this series of graphic history books chronicles the origin and evolution of astrobiology itself. Produced by the NASA Astrobiology Program, the series began in 2010 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Exobiology and Astrobiology at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Issue 1: The Origin of a Science Gallery_Image_7800Credit: Aaron L. Gronstal/NASA Astrobiology Program Download the full resolution pdf or the mobile-optimized pdf! Issue 1 traces the roots of Astrobiology from early cave paintings, through speculations of ancient Greek philosophers on the existence of other worlds, to contributions from more modern scientists such as Huygens, Galileo, Oparin, Haldane, Miller, Urey, Franklin, Watson, Crick, and Sagan. It goes on to explain how shortly after NASA was created in 1958, the NASA Exobiology Program, a research program supporting the search for life beyond Earth, came along. It would eventually morph into the Astrobiology Program in the mid-90’s. Concept & Story: Mary Voytek, Linda Billings, Aaron L. Gronstal Artwork: Aaron L. Gronstal Script: Aaron L. Gronstal Editor: Linda Billings Layout: Jenny Mottar Issue 2: Missions to Mars Gallery_Image_7801Credit: Aaron L. Gronstal/NASA Astrobiology Program Download the full resolution pdf or the mobile-optimized pdf! Issue 2 chronicles the ups and downs of our exploration of Mars. There were early successes, followed by NASA’s first foray into life-detection with Viking. After Viking, many countries struggled to get missions to Mars. But in the ’90s saw a return to form, with many successes. The story concludes with exciting missions to come in 2011 and beyond. Concept & Story: Mary Voytek, Linda Billings, Aaron L. Gronstal Artwork: Aaron L. Gronstal Script: Aaron L. Gronstal and Leslie Mullen Editor: Linda Billings Layout: Jenny Mottar Special thanks to Daniella Scalice and Michael Meyer Issue 3: Missions to the Inner Solar System Gallery_Image_8964Credit: Aaron L. Gronstal/NASA Astrobiology Program Download the full resolution pdf or the mobile-optimized pdf! Issue 3 chronicles the multitude of missions that have explored the region of our solar system that rests inside the asteroid belt. Mars is not the only location in the Solar System that interests astrobiologists. From Mercury to Venus, from asteroids to comets, there are many objects near the Sun that can help astrobiologists understand life’s potential in the Universe. Concept & Story: Mary Voytek, Linda Billings, Aaron L. Gronstal Artwork: Aaron L. Gronstal Script: Aaron L. Gronstal Editor: Linda Billings; Layout: Jenny Mottar.Astrobiology Magazine della NASA. Crediti: Aaron L. Gronstal/NASA, Leslie Mullen Daniella Scalice;

Su Astrobiology Magazine sono disponibili, in lingua inglese, cinque graphic novel realizzate dalla NASA sulla ricerca compiuta nell’ambito dell’astrobiologia nel corso degli ultimi cinquant’anni.

Le graphic novel sono scaricabili in formato pdf e pdf ottimizzato per il mobile /smartphone.

L’età consigliata dai 14-15 anni in su.

L’idea è geniale, da parte mia, perché con le immagini reali la NASA ha trovato il modo brillante di illustrare la fantastica avventura umana dell’esplorazione spaziale e della ricerca di forme di vita su altri pianeti.
Buona lettura!


Graphi Novel della NASA:

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