Il modello più conosciuto del brand, la Lucy Bag rivisitato nei colori e materiali sarà venduto on line ed in alcuni store selezionati al prezzo di 286 Euro.
Toni forti, frangie in pelle e passamanerie per borse pratiche e comode in perfetto stile Marks&Angels.
Once again, fashion and charity meet, the brand Marks & Angels, which creates handbags style gypsy-rock created by designer Laura Angelilli (creative of L'Aura) and Alessia Marcuzzi, has created a capsule whose proceeds will go to the Foundation for research on cystic fibrosis.
The best-known model of the brand, the Lucy Bag revisited in the colors and materials will be sold online and in some selected store at a price of 286 Euro.
Strong tones, fringes and leather trimmings-style Marks & Angels.