Magazine Cultura

‘bali: art, ritual performance’

Creato il 15 giugno 2011 da Catone
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco200 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102, Stati Uniti
(415) 581-3500Fino all’11 settembre in mostra l’arte di Bali
clip_image004The Asian Art museum in San Francisco is featuring a major show of art from Bali. An elaborately carved palace door and two carved deities are part of  the exhibition.
Tiger barong (barong macan), approx. 1900–1930 (top). Mas, Gianyar. Wood, pigments. National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, the Netherlands
The princess Rangkesari, approx. 1900–1930 (spikes). Wood and pigments.
Temple doors, perhaps 1700–1800. Tejakula, Buleleng, North Bali. Painted and gilded wood. Private collection
The widow Rangda, 1800–1900. Wood and pigments. Asian Art Museum, Gift of Thomas Murray in memory of his father Eugene T. Murray
Suspended offering shrine (plangkiran), approx. 1850–1900. Wood and pigments. Ubud, South Bali. Collection, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Kalika. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Mask of a refined woman, approx. 1935. Wood. Asian Art Museum, Vicki Baum Bali Collection; Gift of Wolfgang Lert and Ruth Clark Lert
Arjuna and Supraba, approx. 1935. Mas, South Bali. Perhaps by Ida Bagus Putu. Wood. Asian Art Museum, Vicki Baum Bali Collection; Gift of Wolfgang Lert and Ruth Clark Ler
Catalog # 70.0/7954
Abimanyu, approx. 1930–1938. Hide, wood, pigment, plant fiber. American Museum of Natural History
Coin images of deities (Sri Sedana), approx. 1900–1930. Probably Sanur, South Bali. Copper alloy coins, cotton fabric, silk fabric, plant fiber, wood, skin, imitation gemstones, metallic thread, gold leaf, lacquer, paint. Fowler Museum at UCLA, The Katharane Mershon Collection of Indonesian Art
Palanquin ( pengongongan), approx. 1850–1899. Sawan, North Bali. Painted and gilded wood. Collection, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (the Netherlands
Offering-box in the form of a winged lion, approx. 1875–1900. Klungkung. Ivory, wood, pigments. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Two chairs, approx. 1875–1925. Klungkung. Gilded and painted wood. National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, the Netherlands
Rawana on his mount, wilmana, 1850–1900. North Bali. Wood and pigments. Asian Art Museum, Acquisition made possible by the Connoisseurs’ Council and the estate of K. Hart Smith
Ceremonial knife (wedung) with sheath, before 1864. Knife: iron, silver, buffalo horn. Sheath: wood and pigments. National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, the Netherland
Kris hilt depicting a demonic figure, perhaps 1700–1800. Ivory. Asian Art Museum, Acquisition made possible by William M. Brooks with additional funding from Betty and Bruce Alberts, Fred Levin and Nancy Livingston, Joan and M. Glenn Vinson Jr., Hok Pui and Sally Yu Leung, and an anonymous friend of the Asian Art Museum
Ear pendants (rumbing), approx. 1850–1900. Tabanan. Gold, precious stones. National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, the Netherlands
Young dancer from Bali, approx. 1900–1930. Unknown photographer. Photograph from glass negative. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Cloth patterned with gold leaf (kain prada), approx. 1875–1925. Silk, gold leaf. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Rangda mask, before 1929. Possibly by I Gusti Made Gde. Denpasar, Badung. Wood, pigments, parchment, rawhide, hair. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Rangda, 1929. By K. T. Satake. Photograph from glass negative. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Lion barong (barong singa), approx. 1900–1925(page 310). Wood, pigments, rawhide, horsehair. Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Bird mask, perhaps 1900–1940. Wood, leather, and pigments. Collection of W. E. Bouwman

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