Il secondo album "Sweet Sour" dei Band Of Skulls sarà a breve nei negozi.Il trio indie-rock di Southampton riesce a suonare con eguale credibilità tra garage,blues e rock-ballads.Sembra proprio che in "Bruises" vogliano mettere in mostra questa dote ed il risultato dà loro ragione.
Take this rise and this fall
One and all
I wish that I could give you more
Gonna have to break the law
I’ve got more to give
Than I’ve first thought to give
We’ll have to make a pact
Or something like that
Something good
A little trouble in your neighborhood
Or understanding that you’re understood, oh I kinda wish you would
Give yourself to the world
Baby girl
Spread your wings and uncurl
To the world
You’ve got more to give
Than you first thought to give
We’ll have to make a pact
Or something like that
Or something like that
Something good
A little trouble in your neighborhood
Or understanding that you’re understood, oh I kinda wish you would
Something real
Another feeling that you never feel
Another reason that you wanna be alive just to watch the bruises heal
Something good
A little trouble in your neighborhood
Or understanding that you’re understood, oh I kinda wish you would
Something real
Another feeling that you never feel
Another reason that you wanna be alive just to watch the bruises heal
Voto 7/10