Magazine Cucina
English Version
Breakfast is a tricky affair in between seasons. As I prefer not to eat baked goods my other choices are fruit, yogurt, granola, breakfast or savoury egg dishes.
Yogurt is the fastest and easiest option, I make it with the yogurt maker and I always have a good supply of it in the fridge. But a yogurt on its own is a little bit sad, so I decided to spruce it up to get a colourful and tasty breakfast without it being to heavy an affair.
Once my yogurt is ready to eat I strain it for a couple of hours or until it becomes quite thick just to my likings. Then I keep it in the fridge ready to be consumed.
For the making of these delectable breakfast jars I first make a fruit puree. At the moment peaches are still very sweet, so I peeled one and I pureed it in a food processor. I pour a layer of yogurt in the jar, the cover it with pureed peach, then pour yogurt on top of it, and end up with some cereal, dried fruits, nuts or almonds, a drizzle of honey or a few chocolate chips if I feel particularly sweet and it’s time to dip the spoon.
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