Last week I was looking for a dress for this summer, but I haven't found anything in the shops. I'm a little bit complicated.I was Passing between the vintage market when I saw this pretty cotton dress XXL sized. I paid this cheap dress and I run home all satisfied.Modify it was very simple:I removed from both sides about 10 cm of cloth, and then I shortened the height.I wear it always brought a high waist with a belt.Do you like it? DIY!
Last week I was looking for a dress for this summer, but I haven't found anything in the shops. I'm a little bit complicated.I was Passing between the vintage market when I saw this pretty cotton dress XXL sized. I paid this cheap dress and I run home all satisfied.Modify it was very simple:I removed from both sides about 10 cm of cloth, and then I shortened the height.I wear it always brought a high waist with a belt.Do you like it? DIY!
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