"Thank to God you wasn't the coach in 1958. Otherwise Pele' did not play the World Cup". Carlos Dunga is under fire from critics for his squad ahead of the 2010 World Cup, when Brazil is, as always, among the favorites. The Brazilian press doesn't agree with the choices of their coach, in the 23 men there are not players like Ronaldinho, Pato, Adriano, Diego, Ronaldo and Neymar.Dunga tried to motivate some of his choices, such as Adriano: "We have given many opportunities to Adriano. We tried to recover him. In the end, having some behavior, we had to make a decision. It takes consistency, it takes commitment and we want to understand. At some point, we had to take a decision to collective thinking. The group has always welcomed Adrian, but my feelings are one thing, the choices for my country is another. This is not a decision taken overnight, was a path. I ponder and assess everything until you can recover the situation, I try. Then we reach a point where you can not lose control of the National certain attitudes" . Called Julio Baptista and Doni, reservations in Rome. "Julio Baptista was a reserve in 2007, when we called for the America's Cup. Totti is the ruler of Rome and Baptista plays the same role. Doni had friction with the company for having played with the national team friendly match in England . When he returned, he went to the bench. I must remove a player penalized by his club even though he is committed? ".
Magazine Calcio
Brasile, la stampa contro dunga: "con te nel '58 fuori anche pele'" - brazil, press against dunga: "with you in '58 out also pele'"
Creato il 11 maggio 2010 da Rollingballs"Thank to God you wasn't the coach in 1958. Otherwise Pele' did not play the World Cup". Carlos Dunga is under fire from critics for his squad ahead of the 2010 World Cup, when Brazil is, as always, among the favorites. The Brazilian press doesn't agree with the choices of their coach, in the 23 men there are not players like Ronaldinho, Pato, Adriano, Diego, Ronaldo and Neymar.Dunga tried to motivate some of his choices, such as Adriano: "We have given many opportunities to Adriano. We tried to recover him. In the end, having some behavior, we had to make a decision. It takes consistency, it takes commitment and we want to understand. At some point, we had to take a decision to collective thinking. The group has always welcomed Adrian, but my feelings are one thing, the choices for my country is another. This is not a decision taken overnight, was a path. I ponder and assess everything until you can recover the situation, I try. Then we reach a point where you can not lose control of the National certain attitudes" . Called Julio Baptista and Doni, reservations in Rome. "Julio Baptista was a reserve in 2007, when we called for the America's Cup. Totti is the ruler of Rome and Baptista plays the same role. Doni had friction with the company for having played with the national team friendly match in England . When he returned, he went to the bench. I must remove a player penalized by his club even though he is committed? ".
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