Magazine Cucina

Castagne ricoperte di cioccolato

Da Patiba @patiba1



Tempo di preparazione: 10 minuti più quello per asciugare -  Tempo di cottura 15 - 20 minuti


750 gr. di castagne spellate, 750 gr. di cioccolato



Lessate e poi sbucciate le castagne¹. Fate sciogliere il cioccolato a fuoco basso,


quindi immergetele nel cioccolato.


Scolate l'eccesso di cioccolato, disponete le castagne su un vassoio ricoperto di carta da forno e lasciatele asciugare. Le castagne possono essere ricpoerte anche con cioccoltato bianco.
Le castagne così preparate possono essere ulteriormente "ingolossite" ricoprendole con nocciole, cocco o mandorle tritate ecc. Questa operazione andrà fatta immediatamente dopo averle immerse nel cioccolato fuso.

Con lo stesso procedimento si può ricoprire: zenzero, scorza di arancia candita, chicchi d'uva, banane, fragole o altra frutta.

¹Per fare delle buone castagne lesse scegliete sempre le castagne della stesse misura cosi’si cuociono bene tutte insieme. Prendete una pentola grande e mettete le castagne dentro. Coprite bene con acqua fredda. Fate bollire le castagne per 40 minuti oppure 60′ se sono grandi. Lasciate le castagne nell’acqua di cotture. Prendete uno alla volta e sbucciate, togliendo la buccia e la pelle. In questo modo, le castagne possono essere utilizzate per fare diverse ricette oppure mangiate cosi’ al naturale.. ***

Chocolate Covered Chestnuts (Castañas de chocolate):  a recipe for a simple Spanish sweet
by Simple Spanish Food. Chestnuts are tremendously important in Galicia, the region in Northwestern Spain, a land of vast chestnut forests. Every November Galicians celebrate the magosto, the chestnut festiv
al, where chestnuts are roasted on open fires everywhere. When Ana was growing up in the Galician town of Orense, she often stopped by the penny candy shop after school. Her favorite was the chocolate covered chestnut. Since we have some excellent marroni chestnuts from Correia Chestnut Farm (see my recent post on roasting chestnuts), I decided to make some--and they're really good. Here's the recipe:
However many chestnuts you want enough good chocolate to cover them (I used 70% dark chocolate, but you could use something sweeter if you prefer).
A little olive oil. Score the chestnuts with a sharp knife. You want to cut an X on the shell. I explain how to do this in my post on roasting chestnuts.Next, simmer the chestnuts for 30 minutes, in just enough water to cover them. Drain and rinse the chestnuts. When cool enough to handle, peel them. Be gentle or the chestnuts will fall apart. Now rig up a double boiler. This is easy. Just heat up some water in a small pot. Bring it to a very slow simmer. Find a metal bowl you ca
n place on top of the pot. It should rest on top, not fall in the pot. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. You want the steam to rise up from the simmering water to heat the bowl gently. Now place the chocolate in the bowl. Make sure the water is at a slow simmer (you don't want it to boil) and not touching the bottom of the bowl. The chocolate with slowly melt. Stir it a little to help it along.
Place a sheet of parchment or waxed paper on a plate or pan. Rub th
e paper down with a little olive oil. When the chocolate is melted, roll the chestnuts in it one by one, and place them on the oiled parchment. Refrigerate until the chocolate turns solid, and they're ready to eat.



Tempo di preparazione: 10 minuti più quello per asciugare -  Tempo di cottura 15 - 20 minuti


750 gr. di castagne spellate, 750 gr. di cioccolato



Lessate e poi sbucciate le castagne¹. Fate sciogliere il cioccolato a fuoco basso,


quindi immergetele nel cioccolato.


Scolate l'eccesso di cioccolato, disponete le castagne su un vassoio ricoperto di carta da forno e lasciatele asciugare. Le castagne possono essere ricpoerte anche con cioccoltato bianco.

Le castagne così preparate possono essere ulteriormente "ingolossite" ricoprendole con nocciole, cocco o mandorle tritate ecc. Questa operazione andrà fatta immediatamente dopo averle immerse nel cioccolato fuso.

Con lo stesso procedimento si può ricoprire: zenzero, scorza di arancia candita, chicchi d'uva, banane, fragole o altra frutta.

¹Per fare delle buone castagne lesse scegliete sempre le castagne della stesse misura cosi’si cuociono bene tutte insieme. Prendete una pentola grande e mettete le castagne dentro. Coprite bene con acqua fredda. Fate bollire le castagne per 40 minuti oppure 60′ se sono grandi. Lasciate le castagne nell’acqua di cotture. Prendete uno alla volta e sbucciate, togliendo la buccia e la pelle. In questo modo, le castagne possono essere utilizzate per fare diverse ricette oppure mangiate cosi’ al naturale.. ***

Chocolate Covered Chestnuts (Castañas de chocolate):  a recipe for a simple Spanish sweet
by Simple Spanish Food. Chestnuts are tremendously important in Galicia, the region in Northwestern Spain, a land of vast chestnut forests. Every November Galicians celebrate the magosto, the chestnut festiv
al, where chestnuts are roasted on open fires everywhere. When Ana was growing up in the Galician town of Orense, she often stopped by the penny candy shop after school. Her favorite was the chocolate covered chestnut. Since we have some excellent marroni chestnuts from Correia Chestnut Farm (see my recent post on roasting chestnuts), I decided to make some--and they're really good. Here's the recipe:
However many chestnuts you want enough good chocolate to cover them (I used 70% dark chocolate, but you could use something sweeter if you prefer).
A little olive oil. Score the chestnuts with a sharp knife. You want to cut an X on the shell. I explain how to do this in my post on roasting chestnuts.Next, simmer the chestnuts for 30 minutes, in just enough water to cover them. Drain and rinse the chestnuts. When cool enough to handle, peel them. Be gentle or the chestnuts will fall apart. Now rig up a double boiler. This is easy. Just heat up some water in a small pot. Bring it to a very slow simmer. Find a metal bowl you ca
n place on top of the pot. It should rest on top, not fall in the pot. The bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. You want the steam to rise up from the simmering water to heat the bowl gently. Now place the chocolate in the bowl. Make sure the water is at a slow simmer (you don't want it to boil) and not touching the bottom of the bowl. The chocolate with slowly melt. Stir it a little to help it along.
Place a sheet of parchment or waxed paper on a plate or pan. Rub th
e paper down with a little olive oil. When the chocolate is melted, roll the chestnuts in it one by one, and place them on the oiled parchment. Refrigerate until the chocolate turns solid, and they're ready to eat.

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Da Antonio Lombardo
Inviato il 08 novembre a 14:27

we antonio che ci fai in mezzo alle castagne hahhahaah
